Recent content by daneo1989

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  1. daneo1989

    New Staff

  2. daneo1989

    Help Older Euro Mir Server Files + Client

    Pretty much better off using Crystal bud, and not use the features you don't want.
  3. daneo1989

    Open source C# WoooL project

    Interesting, not familiar with Wool. But looks fab. nice work guys
  4. daneo1989

    Open source C# WoooL project

    Shell Breaker looks like a awesome spell
  5. daneo1989

    Twix or Bounty?

    What about Yorkie and Snickers, between Twix and Bounty. bounty hands down. Ps, such a strange poll
  6. daneo1989

    Why do you still visit LOMCN?

    :LOL:if only,
  7. daneo1989

    Why do you still visit LOMCN?

    I'm still lurking..
  8. daneo1989

    Release 2TB of Mir & More! (updated at 25th March)

    Very nice, thankyou for the release.
  9. daneo1989

    LOMCN UK South-East Meetup 2024

    Way to south for myself, talking 5/6hrs drive for myself.
  10. daneo1989

    Request Map Art Translation

    This for your mir1 project?
  11. daneo1989

    MIR AI Image

    Thought the 2nd one in Heaven Armour was actually cosplay. very nice.
  12. daneo1989

    OK-used to play LOM official 43 Tao Moktar , 44 Mage Trigger- Phoenix Server....

    Mir has come along way since those days bud. I can honestly say they was the good days :) Probably say closest to KR Standards at the moment is Artificial could be wrong :)
  13. daneo1989

    OS Version Poll

    W10, to poor to buy new laptop/pc to run W11 Willing to accept donations tho :)
  14. daneo1989

    "old" server versions + setup?

    Sorry about poor image