Recent content by Jungle

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  1. Jungle

    One class 6 skills. What would you choose?

    Magic Shield Energy Shield TDB Flame Field Plauge Swadow Step
  2. Jungle

    Vintage MirII

    saying im unable to accept discord link lol
  3. Jungle

    F.H Server [Test]

    It’s a shame you have to be a Chinese citizen to play them thou. Needing a Chinese identification to create an account unless one allows anyone to play
  4. Jungle

    F.H Server [Test]

    its an original game plays similar to mir2. imo its fresh as not many servers are around or last, this has something to do with not being able to get hold of the source code to add and change content, so once you hit end game the game ends as theres no more content to go through.
  5. Jungle

    F.H Server [Test]

    would love to see a wool server kicking about
  6. Jungle

    Phoenix XE [Discussion]

    is Taral still looking to be released in April this year??
  7. Jungle

    Phoenix XE [Discussion]

    i think only time they fight is at SabukWall
  8. Jungle


    Maybe u should of put some effect into letting people know what u have already added. Sent from my POT-LX1 using Tapatalk
  9. Jungle

    [2.3] Valkyrie Re-Launch

    i mean it would be a be shocked to see if its all balanced but going by previous servers is where peoples limitations are, successful servers on these basis is chrons which only had 6 classes but the class was overpowered and majority of the server went the class. Lets remind u of OldSkool...
  10. Jungle

    Legend of sword and magic MMO on Steam

    its just been wiped and launched i believe, if any1 was interested...
  11. Jungle

    Legend of sword and magic MMO on Steam

    yeah few people running about just pissing me off as my screen will just freeze randomly, maybe its because im still on win7 lol (i dont have a clue never happened to me before)
  12. Jungle

    Legend of sword and magic MMO on Steam

    yeah the steam version seems some what laggy, maybe thats this ping u speak off...? or just the server generally? i get kicked from the game from time to time for just clicking on a npc or opening my bag, there no way to understand if theres a fps cap or uncap. alot of it is just click, hope n...
  13. Jungle

    Remedi M2 (Custom) Coming Soon

    must just be good ol gossip, i bet people have been banned for less. surely if it was the guy his account would be flagged?
  14. Jungle

    Aesir Mir

    sound liek the cyro needs some cool downs on how often it can slow, and maybe add some anti poison/slow on the knight/warr
  15. Jungle

    ETA Mir2 Poll

    and the legend speaks! Who is to say what server will come up first, sounds like ur trying to rush the server devs to release right now.