Search results

  1. SmavidDavid

    Twix or Bounty?

    Simple question... Twix or Bounty? @Valhalla @Lilcooldoode you need to cast your disgusting votes. Update: Loser of the pole & all who voted for it shall go into Obituary.
  2. SmavidDavid

    Why do you still visit LOMCN?

    What keeps bringing you back to LOMCN? Nostalgia? Community? toxicity? @Sawell and @ipixel 's Love?
  3. SmavidDavid

    Pay to Play, Monthly Subscriptions, Gameshops, Free to Play - What is your preferred style?

    We've got multiple threads on the topics of F2P, P2W, and P2P servers, and a few polls recently on various topics, but none of these offer the option to vote on all donation, shop, or payments method available to Server owners to cover costs. Below are various options which I feel cover the...
  4. SmavidDavid

    LOMCN RAW2023 @ the GENERAL OFF TOPIC ARENA Headlining Jev Vs Paperbag!

    Before we get this we need to settle another fight first... TONIGHT AT GENERAL OFF TOPIC ARENA, in the Red corner we have @Jev aka Koopas Brother, The Last Jedi (of Durrington) taking on, in the Blue corner a formidable foe, used around the world to carry groceries.... PAPER BAG! Who is...
  5. SmavidDavid

    Mir2pion Vs Omnibus

    Who would win in a fight?... Asking for a friend.
  6. SmavidDavid

    Happy Birthday to LOMCN's No1. Graphic Designer

    Happy Birthday @Breezer , hope you enjoy half a birthday and being half a year older
  7. SmavidDavid

    Andrew Tate - Misogynistic or not?

    @Omnibus - What are your views on Andrew Tate? I am deeply saddened that you have not created a post about him yet and his antics in the Country of Romania. I hear he drives a very expensive car called a Bugatti Chivon.
  8. SmavidDavid

    Happy Birthday DiabloVodkaShot!!!

    When lockdown hits, and you cant have your homies around, the only option is to drink by yourself.... Happy Birthday @DiabloVodkaShot
  9. SmavidDavid

    2020 Obituary

    It would appear the Coronavirus hasn't claimed its first Victim, but Admins Lord @Tai, and his general @Martyn have claimed their first on the beloved Discord. May you T.I.S (type in silence) @Breezer March 29th 2019 - January 30th 2020 "I will do obscene things to @zedina 's dead dog"...
  10. SmavidDavid

    General off Topic Obituary

    A post to remember those we lost @Easymode Aug 19th 2018 - 2019 "I will hack LOMCN" @Koriban 2007 - 2019 "Lab coat tester" Bald Spot - Early 2000's - 2019. (Turkish Barbers do a fab job...) "I'm not going bald" Mr Rocky - 2017 - 2019. "cluck cluck mother clucker" @zedina, Dec 22nd 2005...
  11. SmavidDavid

    Where did you go? @Zedina

    @zedina - Did discord get too much, or was it hard providing proof to your accusations.
  12. SmavidDavid

    Lets see your Pets!

    Well it would appear.. I am not the only poultry fancier on this page. Lets see your pets! No Pugs, Jugs, Puggles, ShitPoo's, Chihuahuas Jackapoos.. you get the gist no homo dogs, unless its Dexter (@Robert) KFC: Donald, Pumba, Minnie: Me washing my cock for a show and him winning Our...
  13. SmavidDavid

    Mir 2 - Scaling

    I was thinking the other day.. what if through a server progression your stats scaled? I find It hard to explain, but basically for those who have played games like ESO will understand. We zip through oma, bug, and stone temple in seconds, only re-visiting for quests, golds, or bosses... but...
  14. SmavidDavid

    Eminem Vs MGK

    For those following it.. who do you thinks winning the dissing? TLDR version; MGK Tweeted about Ems 16 yr/old Daughter being hot as **** (22 now.. she is hot) MGK made comments about Em not being a Rap God Em comes out with "Not Alike" 6 years after the tweet about his kid MGK comes out with...
  15. SmavidDavid

    Conquera Closing

    Didn't last long! Dear Heroes, after much deliberation in light of contractual issues that we are experiencing, we regret to inform you all that the Conquera service will cease operations on 14 September 1200HRS (GMT+8). Please be...
  16. SmavidDavid


    Where the **** did he go? :(
  17. SmavidDavid

    Release iJam's Map Package

    Not quite sure why the baboon won't post himself.. so find a post of his and +rep / like! No point us keeping due to a little thorn using some already so will start fresh, making these all redundant. Enjoy. Download Click here Images Click here Mirror by Tai...
  18. SmavidDavid

    Happy Birthday August

    Happy birthday Hazuki! Used as an excuse to play on Paint 3d!!!
  19. SmavidDavid

    Crafting - How would you want it?

    I'm looking at making a crafting system, and wondering how deep people would like it to go? Would you craft all pots, & kit etc.. or would you prefer just special pots / random gear. Would people play a server with a minecraft sort of feel where everything can be created from a selection of...