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smoochy boys on tour
  1. Violent

    The new PayPal???

    I have recently been seeing a lot of people posting invites to a new type of currency or payment method called Initiative Q. They claim to be the founders of PayPal. They also claim that this payment method will hope take over (Im sure all new business ventures claim this) Just wanted to know...
  2. Violent

    Fractured MMO

    I found an upcomming game that looks a bit Mir ish if anyone else is interested? It got my attention anyway.
  3. Violent

    Humble Bundle: Origin 2

    For those of you who like to grab games for cheap, there is quite a good bundle: (Disclaimer: This is not a ref link) I payed $5 (£3.49). You can pay what you like but you need to pay more than the average to get the full bundle. I got this bundle mainly for...
  4. Violent

    I'm in a giving mood!

    Everyone loves free stuff right? Would anyone like a free copy of Pixel Piracy? All I ask in return is that you LIKE my Desired Gaming Facebook page found in my signature. (Yes I know! Shameless self promotion) I will also be giving away Beta keys for Heroes of the storm on the page if...
  5. Violent

    Thought I would share this.

    I'm not sure if anyone is interested but I'm partnered with a site that sells games, Xbox live, Microsoft points, PlayStation Plus and other stuff quite a lot cheaper than most places. The site is genuine as I have bought quite a lot from it and so have my friends. The link to the site is...
  6. Violent

    Where are the latest 2.6 files?

    Ive been searching the forum and cant seem to find the 2.6 files. Ive tried Lifcos but his links dont seem to work. Can any1 point me in the right direction please?
  7. Violent

    beginners DB guide

    is there any beginners DB guide around to change mob stats, wep stats an also to add new items to the database plz?
  8. Violent

    1st time making server

    hi ive just made my 1st offline server just to mess around on but i dont know how to spawn mobs as none are spawnin. Also half the GM commands that are on the word document that comes with the server package dont work like @addskill etc. Any help would b greatful thanx