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  1. kuelab

    Stuck in quest

    Mision: Shadow of Darkness 13. Gather Forest Mushrooms Autorun to the place... but nothing happens. Tryed autoharvest.. but cant find thath mushrooms
  2. kuelab

    Next dates...

    Does anyone know when the open beta ends? When the open beta is finished and the official game is launched, will there be a reset of the accounts? The game will be paid monthly or payment by account or some kind of payment? Greetings and thanks!
  3. kuelab

    Help at lv 14

    Hi all I have leveled my warrior until the 14th, I have spent all the potions of the missions and I only have 1k of gold in my bag . I can barely buy potions, much less new equipment. Monsters that give a decent 70-120 experience consume me quickly, getting very little gold I am stuck and I...
  4. kuelab

    Question about screenshot

    Hello I have been disconnected from mir for a few years and I do not know how it has evolved. I have found this screenshot and I wonder if it is an advanced version. Thanks in advance!
  5. kuelab

    Looking for server

    hi, Im looking for a server to play with the new class: Assassin Im reading all post but i cant find it.. Could u help me? TY!!