OldSkool Mir (v2) - Release 20th January 7pm

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
Recent reports of user count alterations (Under review 08/04/23)

Item selling fees have increased to 20% from 10% at launch.


Just a Mir2 Fan
Apr 28, 2011
East Sussex
its abit like watching a gambling annonymous meeting where everyone moans they didnt win....

and im glad those that got milked by the gambling system cant charge back.

EDIT: this is directed at the 3 slot system, not the didnt get my 400mill omg its theft but i dont care but ill bitch, but i dont care whine...
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Staff member
Mar 24, 2003
Kent - UK
You keep saying this and said it about several people who simply expressed their opinion on your server. Glad you are admitting it basically got stuck. I don't play, so it's irrelevant really. But do you feel like you should give someone their gold back as a server owner, when a bug on your own server got stuck? :S
did you ever get the 400m back?
its like lomcn mods are scared to enforce anything because they don't want to be seen as policing stuff.
how would you suggest that we moderate servers with players nft items going missing and not being returned?
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
I mean these comments just explain why this community has gone down hill and why there is a real lack of good servers being created these days, its just not worth putting all that effort in to receive such unfair and ridiculous comments.

It is a joke that LOMCN allow these types of comments to stand. There seems to be little to no real moderation that happens these days.. its like lomcn mods are scared to enforce anything because they don't want to be seen as policing stuff. I've been critical before saying lomcn are not the mir police, and they are not to an extent, but feels like things have just got out of control over past year. Trolls are running rampant, ruining peoples reputation, ruining servers, taking the whole community down. Mir might be on its last legs if this continues, I already know I don't bother coming to this forum any more because I won't waste my time argueing with the insane amount of trolls on here.

If you stood outside a shop in the high street with signs saying its a cash cow, they are corrupt, all the **** that gets posted here.. the police would come and take you away for disturbing the peace or some **** like that. The mods should be doing something similar here, warning and removing people that are disruptive and disturbing the community.

Its a shame because back in the day, anyone that posted a mir advert would get such positive reviews, even if it looked completely ****.
These days if you post something, even if it looks amazing, you get troll comments like corruption, cash cow etc with no evidence.. and yet its just allowed to stand, no warnings, nothing. When you let trouble makers run wild, all you get is trouble.

and FYI I couldn't give a **** about any the comments made, makes no difference to me. I just think its a terrible shame to see a community I've been a part of for almost 20 years go down the shitter in such a way, but maybe thats more a reflection on todays society than anything else.
You're such a hypocrite and now playing victim get ducked. Lets get it right YOU are the problem, YOU always have been the problem from loot boxes to crypto. YOU have abused the community. YOU have sold items under the counter. YOU have done nothing for the past ten years other than take take take.

Please just leave already your greed is killing the game
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LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
I mean these comments just explain why this community has gone down hill and why there is a real lack of good servers being created these days, its just not worth putting all that effort in to receive such unfair and ridiculous comments.

It is a joke that LOMCN allow these types of comments to stand. There seems to be little to no real moderation that happens these days.. its like lomcn mods are scared to enforce anything because they don't want to be seen as policing stuff. I've been critical before saying lomcn are not the mir police, and they are not to an extent, but feels like things have just got out of control over past year. Trolls are running rampant, ruining peoples reputation, ruining servers, taking the whole community down. Mir might be on its last legs if this continues, I already know I don't bother coming to this forum any more because I won't waste my time argueing with the insane amount of trolls on here.

If you stood outside a shop in the high street with signs saying its a cash cow, they are corrupt, all the **** that gets posted here.. the police would come and take you away for disturbing the peace or some **** like that. The mods should be doing something similar here, warning and removing people that are disruptive and disturbing the community.

Its a shame because back in the day, anyone that posted a mir advert would get such positive reviews, even if it looked completely ****.
These days if you post something, even if it looks amazing, you get troll comments like corruption, cash cow etc with no evidence.. and yet its just allowed to stand, no warnings, nothing. When you let trouble makers run wild, all you get is trouble.

and FYI I couldn't give a **** about any the comments made, makes no difference to me. I just think its a terrible shame to see a community I've been a part of for almost 20 years go down the shitter in such a way, but maybe thats more a reflection on todays society than anything else.
Honestly i have held off for so long. I have not spoken about your server on lomcn once. I have seen numerous people try help you and given more than reasonable full detailed feedback, that you pushed off as cries. You asked for feedback to then ban people that given you feedback. you had 3 people out of a 40 player guild call you out on your ****. for not fixing broken spells / adding ridiculous none needed extra stats for £ . wich evidently led to about 25-30 people in my guild quitting within 2 days??? Because instead of talking with the selected people who gave you abuse. you then took it upon your self to tell a whole guild to quit? Because of what? we told you what needed fixing the FEEDBACK YOU ASKED FOR? Ban those who was disrespectful to you of course, I would expect nothing less. But what what your excuse for those trying to help you and give detailed feedback. and show you who was macroing?

The start of your server you said it was just levels, Kit , then Shards.... then codex lol. but guess what while fireballs 2 shotting.. LETS ADD RUNES THAT GIVE ALL ATTACK AND DEF STATS 80%? perfect logic actually insane amount of perfect logic. stating the obvious bad idea, was also considered a cry also.. Then you say gg shop didn't effect but me having a x2 exp or no x2 clearly matters drastically on 1st week of a server. you had gg pots give a extra 25-25 offensive and defensive flat health also... and due to the price in gold was only worth buying via gg. Which essentially at start helped loads. so much more but i wont go into detail on that one.

You had wizards 1 and 2 shotting people with great fireball. you say it was only hamad due to kit lvls codex ect. But i was doing exactly the same on creegz due to £ also. You try blame the players for selling items to the rich donators. But what about the codex? the gold? the blood steel WE bought from the shop. weeks on end excuse after excuse about why x person is so op. yet the main reason was simply its massively pay2win. you allowed people to macro until people persistently video recording and had to hound you to take action. Took a cut for each char nfted. you took a cut off tm. the prices for matic also changed drastically which you also knew.

You also gave yuzus char away? without him saying so? so is that what we do now isit? just change emails and give chars to other people because you dont like x person and know a donator will play it instead?. I mean lets take a look at the server since mafia quit, like actually look at the state of progression and content. its more or less the same as a month ago? Wich again is fine. But its clear to see since the £ stopped rolling in so did the incentive to keep a healthy server,, All due to not being able to take criticism that You asked for. Not doing paypal was a smart move and you know it, I have never recalled any payment on any server since I've played mir. But here i would understand loads of people if they did. socket reroll npc for one should never be a thing.. server was ok for a week or two But once you started talking to people like children just because they few made you feel small or what ever it was. you then replied to people who gave detailed fair none confrontational feedback like idiots. Wich made my piss boil and resulted in making me quit. You only have to look on your discord channel approved suggestions, stuff from beta and 1st day of server not even fixed or even looked at. laughable. You normally make great servers. its a shame the greed and this server was utter shite.

I honestly just want to know why you are trying to play the victim. People are allowed to call it as they see it. I have read numerous times you try defend your actions. But this time i could not just read, you try play the victim and its laughable. People have acted the way they have due to the things you have done / said to people. just find it crazy you are going on like they are all making it up and never happened. todays society maybe be ruined ben but playing the victim wont work


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Oct 24, 2011
Love how everyone was defending the server before and now all I see everywhere is now P2W it is and it took Lomcn comments for him to sort the 400mill.(if he actually has now) lol
Post automatically merged:

You also gave yuzus char away? without him saying so? so is that what we do now isit? just change emails and give chars to other people because you dont like x person and know a donator will play it instead?.

Did this actually happen? I’m not arguing btw just a big accusation to make and with proof is not a good look at all.
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LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
Where is the proof of this though? A fair few people who dislike Ben say this, but I haven't seen proof and if proof were provided to Admins, im fairly sure a untrusted title would've been slapped onto Ben by now?....

Ps. Loving @zedina liking all the posts while he's eating popcorn.
ive bought **** my self
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Mar 4, 2022
its abit like watching a gambling annonymous meeting where everyone moans they didnt win....

and im glad those that got milked by the gambling system cant charge back.

EDIT: this is directed at the 3 slot system, not the didnt get my 400mill omg its theft but i dont care but ill bitch, but i dont care whine...
I dno why you're salty because I mentioned your beta being something we have to pay to play. Has nothing to do with this argument, you definitely aren't stupid enough to think it's ok that a GM could rob his own players for 400m. But then again you @recall people that kill your cousins so perhaps you do.

And no he has not returned the 400 mil.
Post automatically merged:

Honestly i have held off for so long. I have not spoken about your server on lomcn once. I have seen numerous people try help you and given more than reasonable full detailed feedback, that you pushed off as cries. You asked for feedback to then ban people that given you feedback. you had 3 people out of a 40 player guild call you out on your ****. for not fixing broken spells / adding ridiculous none needed extra stats for £ . wich evidently led to about 25-30 people in my guild quitting within 2 days??? Because instead of talking with the selected people who gave you abuse. you then took it upon your self to tell a whole guild to quit? Because of what? we told you what needed fixing the FEEDBACK YOU ASKED FOR? Ban those who was disrespectful to you of course, I would expect nothing less. But what what your excuse for those trying to help you and give detailed feedback. and show you who was macroing?

The start of your server you said it was just levels, Kit , then Shards.... then codex lol. but guess what while fireballs 2 shotting.. LETS ADD RUNES THAT GIVE ALL ATTACK AND DEF STATS 80%? perfect logic actually insane amount of perfect logic. stating the obvious bad idea, was also considered a cry also.. Then you say gg shop didn't effect but me having a x2 exp or no x2 clearly matters drastically on 1st week of a server. you had gg pots give a extra 25-25 offensive and defensive flat health also... and due to the price in gold was only worth buying via gg. Which essentially at start helped loads. so much more but i wont go into detail on that one.

You had wizards 1 and 2 shotting people with great fireball. you say it was only hamad due to kit lvls codex ect. But i was doing exactly the same on creegz due to £ also. You try blame the players for selling items to the rich donators. But what about the codex? the gold? the blood steel WE bought from the shop. weeks on end excuse after excuse about why x person is so op. yet the main reason was simply its massively pay2win. you allowed people to macro until people persistently video recording and had to hound you to take action. Took a cut for each char nfted. you took a cut off tm. the prices for matic also changed drastically which you also knew.

You also gave yuzus char away? without him saying so? so is that what we do now isit? just change emails and give chars to other people because you dont like x person and know a donator will play it instead?. I mean lets take a look at the server since mafia quit, like actually look at the state of progression and content. its more or less the same as a month ago? Wich again is fine. But its clear to see since the £ stopped rolling in so did the incentive to keep a healthy server,, All due to not being able to take criticism that You asked for. Not doing paypal was a smart move and you know it, I have never recalled any payment on any server since I've played mir. But here i would understand loads of people if they did. socket reroll npc for one should never be a thing.. server was ok for a week or two But once you started talking to people like children just because they few made you feel small or what ever it was. you then replied to people who gave detailed fair none confrontational feedback like idiots. Wich made my piss boil and resulted in making me quit. You only have to look on your discord channel approved suggestions, stuff from beta and 1st day of server not even fixed or even looked at. laughable. You normally make great servers. its a shame the greed and this server was utter shite.

I honestly just want to know why you are trying to play the victim. People are allowed to call it as they see it. I have read numerous times you try defend your actions. But this time i could not just read, you try play the victim and its laughable. People have acted the way they have due to the things you have done / said to people. just find it crazy you are going on like they are all making it up and never happened. todays society maybe be ruined ben but playing the victim wont work

This pretty much hits it on the head really, We all know how greedy he is. Just as much as he feels the community is the issue, LOMCN should know about the type of corruption and nonsense some of these GM's do?


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
So you've got proof then?...

Quite amusing though you're saying he's the problem when its people like yourself who buy kits and items behind scenes that ruin servers just as much as owners 😂
Yes i have screen shots from 10 years ago 🙈 I got screwed on the loot boxes wasn't willing to spend more on them he cut me a deal on the remaining items i needed from the boxes.

10 years ago we was all kids you do stupid ****, my morals are not at question his are big difference. The fact your defending him is embarrassing.
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Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
10 years ago we was all kids you do stupid ****, my morals are not at question his are big difference. The fact your defending him is embarrassing.

When you see buffoons like SmavidDavid and Belle backing Bon off in probably the most upcoming cashcow rugpull in history of mir. You know something is fishy.

I used to think that Smavid is really a troll but looks like his logic has similarities of what he breeds, chickens.
The same moron who compared Win's ~5gbp a month subscription or with Sanjians p2p model with being THE SAME p2w as Bon's crypto pull :ROFLMAO:
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
Yes i have screen shots from 10 years ago 🙈 I got screwed on the loot boxes wasn't willing to spend more on them he cut me a deal on the remaining items i needed from the boxes.

10 years ago we was all kids you do stupid ****, my morals are not at question his are big difference. The fact your defending him is embarrassing.

How entitled and unaccountable is this world turning? You are allowed to be placed under an umbrella as young and stupid as this act was 10 years ago. But he is exempt from this exception despite time travelling at the same speed. :unsure:

Before you say "i learned my lesson, he hasnt". Its just not true, because people on here are more or less all in their 30s now and are still willing to purchase boxes/etc.

Reading people complain about the re roll system that came from OS in the first place is comical. You all complain about it. after a 3rd time of being placed onto a server in a row. Did you not stop to think it works from a financial point (and players keep using it, then complaining about it, and yet we are the idiots? stupidity in people is great). Dont poke the bear and then cry when you get your arm bitten off.

People are weak and entitled in todays era, it has nothing to do with GMs, its to do with what you expect in life vs what you get, and clearly the people who play mir cannot handle that difference.

As someone who has no stake in anything now, i am happy to call you idiots and not give a **** what you say in return, whatever you reply to this will only solidify my opinion on your entitled little mindset. It's the same 20/400 people too, they speak the most and know the least.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
How entitled and unaccountable is this world turning? You are allowed to be placed under an umbrella as young and stupid as this act was 10 years ago. But he is exempt from this exception despite time travelling at the same speed. :unsure:

Before you say "i learned my lesson, he hasnt". Its just not true, because people on here are more or less all in their 30s now and are still willing to purchase boxes/etc.

Reading people complain about the re roll system that came from OS in the first place is comical. You all complain about it. after a 3rd time of being placed onto a server in a row. Did you not stop to think it works from a financial point (and players keep using it, then complaining about it, and yet we are the idiots? stupidity in people is great). Dont poke the bear and then cry when you get your arm bitten off.

People are weak and entitled in todays era, it has nothing to do with GMs, its to do with what you expect in life vs what you get, and clearly the people who play mir cannot handle that difference.

As someone who has no stake in anything now, i am happy to call you idiots and not give a **** what you say in return, whatever you reply to this will only solidify my opinion on your entitled little mindset. It's the same 20/400 people too, they speak the most and know the least.
How you have somehow managed to read between the lines and assumed i think what i did was "good" shows how utterly moronic you are.

The fact 99% of my post are against the abuse people like ben you seem to enjoy so much would say other wise.

Chatting more **** than bon trying to defend his scummy "server".

You're a joke but come on now be honest how much has he sent you to defend his actions?
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Dec 2, 2005
How you have somehow managed to read between the lines and assumed i think what i did was "good" shows how utterly moronic you are.

The fact 99% of my post are against the abuse people like ben you seem to enjoy so much would say other wise.

Chatting more **** than bon trying to defend his scummy "server".

You're a joke but come on now be honest how much has he sent you to defend his actions?
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Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
When you see buffoons like SmavidDavid and Belle backing Bon off in probably the most upcoming cashcow rugpull in history of mir. You know something is fishy.

I used to think that Smavid is really a troll but looks like his logic has similarities of what he breeds, chickens.
The same moron who compared Win's ~5gbp a month subscription or with Sanjians p2p model with being THE SAME p2w as Bon's crypto pull :ROFLMAO:
My issue with any server who takes money is they try to deny they are Pay2Win. Any server offering a tangible benefit is Pay2Win they clearly are different models of pay2 win but calling it a subscription with ‘perks’ doesnt detract it benefits those who pay.

Love you too tho Zed, my chickens are still crying after being compared to me though.

Yes i have screen shots from 10 years ago 🙈 I got screwed on the loot boxes wasn't willing to spend more on them he cut me a deal on the remaining items i needed from the boxes.

10 years ago we was all kids you do stupid ****, my morals are not at question his are big difference. The fact your defending him is embarrassing.

So you can change over 10 years but he cant? In this situation i’m not defending him, im saying post proof, and im sure @Tai would relish in slapping an untrusted title onto Bon. if you got proof nobody can argue with that.. but saying hes corrupt and proving it are different. Wins server got a warning against it as there was some sketchy posts of boss spawning in screenshots.

Once upon a time this forum people would post evidence of their accusations. Now its throw **** and hope something sticks because they don’t like the owner or the games model despite it being clear from day 1.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Apr 3, 2015
It’s just the evolution of mir, with PayPal you had some semblance of responsibility as a gm because people could recall (which was wrong) now that it has gone crypto you don’t even have to pretend you give a fk about anyone but the people chucking thousands at you.

Pay2win people already 1 hitting everyone and destroying fights 2-3 weeks in, fk it Chuck in lottery runes that increase there damage to a mental extent while also making them unkillable. Why not as people can’t recall, try to argue it’s right that one person can solo a full group because of the runes they probably paid thousands if not more for. Seems to be happening every server now, there’s an item you you can buy from the upgrade shop numerous times for thousands and smash the server.

Was genius leaving runes out for the first few weeks getting everyone to donate thinking they stood a moderate chance for the first few weeks before completely crushing them.

2 months massive revenue, tell community to Fk off every time they give feedback as you put stupid p2w thing after p2w thing in, most of server get bored of being 8 months behind 2 months into a server and quit, start being “busy” again and walk away with a ton of cash. Hopefully this is the final straw but he will go away for a year or 2 come back claiming to be about the community again and do it again.


LOMCN Veteran
Jun 16, 2009
My issue with any server who takes money is they try to deny they are Pay2Win. Any server offering a tangible benefit is Pay2Win they clearly are different models of pay2 win but calling it a subscription with ‘perks’ doesnt detract it benefits those who pay.

Love you too tho Zed, my chickens are still crying after being compared to me though.

So you can change over 10 years but he cant? In this situation i’m not defending him, im saying post proof, and im sure @Tai would relish in slapping an untrusted title onto Bon. if you got proof nobody can argue with that.. but saying hes corrupt and proving it are different. Wins server got a warning against it as there was some sketchy posts of boss spawning in screenshots.

Once upon a time this forum people would post evidence of their accusations. Now its throw **** and hope something sticks because they don’t like the owner or the games model despite it being clear from day 1.
i can and i did he clearly hasnt changed and is still the scum bag he was back then. The **** you want me to do go all tron enter then ******* internet and travel back ten years and take a screenshot? listen to how ******* stupid you sound what kind of retard would take screenshot of them selfs doing dodgy ****.....

eGhhHh aM GonNa rOb ThiS BaNK anD tAke a PicTuRE DOinG it !!!!

get a grip you ******* looser
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