BrainSkan 1.9 - Online!

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!


Jan 12, 2004
Im not trying to flame.

Those are facts, i have tried TALKING with you and offered to help, but you dont answer me and just threaten and ban? also whats with ruining server? explain how ive tried that?

Also explain to me why now, me and BLACK have been IP banned (if you know how to do it). Simple question.

You haven't tried talking with us, or co-operating when i say i have proof of an exploiter. You seem to have a grudge against us for what reason? when you've never spoke to us lol. Were called trouble makers for not accepting that his friends should be allowed to exploit when others arnt.
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Jan 12, 2004
Ok, i have a few points why NOONE should play this corrupt server.


They can still be made, yes i did make one and me and a friend got accounts banned until i give Fecian my store password so he can delete all items.

Your able to walk through walls in a lot of maps, INCLUDING the main bosses KR.

Kill it by luring it behind a bugged wall, its out of range and you own it.

You can marriage recall to anywhere including main bosses KR. Guess how armour exploiters are getting there dot on when it spawns to kill it using wall bug?

This is really sad to find, but Fecians "school friends" play, and i have a screenie of one using an exploited armour. He says i edited it, you decide for yourself i will post the screenie at the end. A few more points on the "r/l friends" issue:

MysticMage - As you will see, hes the main one, i got the screenie of. He has suddenly got all the main items including proring overnight, I just witnessed him tele from SZ to main boss KR (MARRIAGE BUG). He shouldnt be able to kill the main boss, but hey, he has a cheated armour. Fecian says he check him, but as you will see, not very well.

n00b - Has a massive MC+ kit, supposidly using Gems which have a 50% chance of working, trust me, it is impossible to get that many gems in such a short space of time, let alone get that many to work. Fecian says she has 2 PC's running overnight mining for MCEssence to make the gems? not true as ive checked a few times to find noone in mines.

Bit hessitant posting this but im fed up of being Fecian and his friends "pawns" to play with while they get to exploit and get special treatment. Ive offered to help get rid of the bugs, but he seems to ban my chat? lol wtf. I didnt want to say this, but from now on ill be asking the age of the person running a server im about to say, as immaturity shows.

Screenies below:

Wearing the Armour:






Just had a Priv message from good old Fecian on his forums as follows:

" The server will shortly return up.

Although you wont be playing when it does. You and black will be be ip banned and unable to access the server. Your characters will be sold off on the BrainSkan forums.

We do not accept trouble makers on BrainSkan.



If needed, i have original .bmp's for the pictures.

will probrably have our forum accounts here baneed or thread deleted, were called trouble makers for not accepting that his friends should be allowed to exploit when others arnt.

its the same with most servers, there fine until a host/gm plays or there friends play as sooner or later there always corrupt.

n00b was hardly ever mining (and the ingame usercount showed number of people online which always were accounted for never did i see her mining)and i've had enough gems to know that they dont work often enough to make a kit that good i mean common dont you think someone else would have a +4 mc item by now also if it was that easy? im better that noob was getting special treatment with a few orbs, was probrably fecians other classmate whos ingame on a noob warrior called venusXS or something im better she's n00b.

as for mysticmage he used bugged armour that was the issue which the screenshots clearly show and he seemed to think it was ok to abuse the glitch (yet he knew it was wrong or he'd wear all the time and not hide it).

the main issue i had with this wasnt that he used the armour and either still has as felician let him keep or he ditched/had it taken off him, but everyone else that happened to use the armour had there rares taken or were asked for storage pass for there rares to be removed as well as armour being taken yet for some reason even though its been shown mystic used bugged armour also he is allowed to keep his items.

i didnt get on with bountyhunt much as far as ingame play went but im with bountyhuntr on this one, n00b and mystic are benefitting nicely from there r/l friends server only actual players left now are whitemage who seems to brown nose maybe hes hoping for something? dryice GRIPPY and dragonssoul hardly a packed server.


not a flame but as part of server advertising i thought it best to let new players know what there in for.

and we have to post here as he deletes posts/threads on his forum.


Playing Legend of Mir 5
Jun 13, 2006
Worthing is depressing.
OMG XXXX PISS OFF XANAN WAS DOING FINE JOB, yes he mised few bugs n glitches, woop de doo? like any sever thers bug / glitch - Euro Mir SOWG fk up. It happens on even oldest severs, so why ***** n moan sayin severs crap when actually its people like you who think - ill give sever bad name insted of the player who exploits bugs. Maybe you should have sed to XANAN , if he didnt do fk all then go ahed n shame sever but u didnt need to.


Jan 12, 2004
OMG XXXX PISS OFF XANAN WAS DOING FINE JOB, yes he mised few bugs n glitches, woop de doo? like any sever thers bug / glitch - Euro Mir SOWG fk up. It happens on even oldest severs, so why ***** n moan sayin severs crap when actually its people like you who think - ill give sever bad name insted of the player who exploits bugs. Maybe you should have sed to XANAN , if he didnt do fk all then go ahed n shame sever but u didnt need to.

i bet this is the brown noser whitemage anyway still hoping for an item are we? we didnt say server was crap infact i liked the server, but the gm is biased towards his r/l friends giving them special treatment(which is where coruption comes in), thats the issue.


no need to flame just because you dont like that the comments about this server arn't all good.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 11, 2004
isle of wight
This is ****ing pahetic, White+Black , was trying to help the server by stoping people from explioting bugs , and you banned them , sorted it out please.



Dedicated Member
Aug 31, 2006
If i had alot of spare time on my hands i would be move involved with the server and what i can make of it alot of you would have been banned along time ago if we went by my rules. You have been banned for a reason we do not have to constantly repeating why people have been warned and banned if you wish to talk to me in private give me a pm if you feal you have been treated unfairly. As we state on the server if you find a bug post it on the forum. Its not easy single handed running a server which im sure most of you could understand the amount of pm`s that get spammed to the gm its hard to reply to everything and does get very stressing. However i dont feal you guys should take it all out on poor xanan hes trying his best which you people can clearly not see. He has made a big effort over the last year to try get this server upto standards i know there are still bugs but its not easy to tackle them all in such short time as we under estimated the time the server would be ready for so we lacked alot of time to test everything. If i personally catch anyone abusing a bug and have not reported it, I will be either de leveling you back to the start level or just totally ban you with no questions asked. Its tempting to expliot a bug but if you axidently come across one you need to report it asap on the forum leaving your char name otherwise if we see it in the logs you will be banned instantly.

As i said if you think you have been treated infairly give me a pm and ill try get back to asap with a full explination.

Kind Reagrds



Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
May 29, 2006
plz leave Xanan alone now. im geussing he is doing his best to fix the bugs and im sure the corruptness will stop. im downloading the files now and i think there should be a wipe if so many bugs have been exploited.

personal opinion and sorry to ppl if they have put alot of effort into lvling without bug exploitation.



Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jul 28, 2004
West Midlands, Malvern
Me and some friends were going to play, but judgeing from Black's posts it clearly points out that theres some sort of curruption going on, thanks for the infomation.



Actual Jesus
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jan 1, 1970
Enough of the spam in this thread.

Any further off topic/chat that has no relation to the server/constructive crit/or helpful comments will be removed.



Jan 12, 2004
Yoda, i appreciate the reply.

Its simple, people got caught using the armour, got it took from them, NOTHING ELSE happened.

We get banned and asked for our store password to take ALL our items, which a lot was made decently without using any exploit. I tried asking to speak to him to explain this, and he ignores it.

Next, i have proof of his RL mate using the exploit and he has the best items ingame because of it. Guess what? he says he aint been using it, and lets him keep the items + proring?

Tell me now, that is fair and how the server is run?

Bounty bradz n00b mystic and us all used the bugged armour which we all knew was wrong. We get banned until items get took of us, now eventually, completely banned (IP) when we offer to show him how to get rid of the bugs?

jesus, it cant just be us seeing this is wrong?

EDIT - MOD this is a very critical conversation to help the server and give feedback to other potential players, no flames are happening and this needs to be cleared up. Please could we get to the bottom of this? thanks.
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LOMCN Veteran
Apr 20, 2003
People that used the armor and other exploits to gain items have been banned/items took away and the bugs fixed. So i don't think there is a problem now?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Yoda, i appreciate the reply.

Its simple, people got caught using the armour, got it took from them, NOTHING ELSE happened.

We get banned and asked for our store password to take ALL our items, which a lot was made decently without using any exploit. I tried asking to speak to him to explain this, and he ignores it.

Next, i have proof of his RL mate using the exploit and he has the best items ingame because of it. Guess what? he says he aint been using it, and lets him keep the items + proring?

Tell me now, that is fair and how the server is run?

Bounty bradz n00b mystic and us all used the bugged armour which we all knew was wrong. We get banned until items get took of us, now eventually, completely banned (IP) when we offer to show him how to get rid of the bugs?

jesus, it cant just be us seeing this is wrong?

EDIT - MOD this is a very critical conversation to help the server and give feedback to other potential players, no flames are happening and this needs to be cleared up. Please could we get to the bottom of this? thanks.

MysticMage never used armour bug, although ive found out he was using the wall bug on Azron. Which he has now had the rares that he gained from using this cheat take from him. Including the pro, AngelicBlade and AngelicNecklace.

Alot of bugs just been fixed in reboot.

If i remember correctly, all i asked was for your storage password so i could claim the bugged items and the items gained form using these items. Which instead of simply handing me the pasword, you went on the server and caused a big fuus, shooting accusations all over the place. So now your banned.

Could of been alot easier.

There is no curruption on this server Kadama, but your loss.

Bounty bradz n00b mystic and us all used the bugged armour which we all knew was wrong. We get banned until items get took of us, now eventually, completely banned (IP) when we offer to show him how to get rid of the bugs?

What a complete load of crap. I know how to get rid of bugs, you just dont tell me where bugs are, instead you completely abuse the hell out of them. You've only just annouced the bug in AzronsChamber due to the fact that your banned and its a cheap shot again me.

If you really wanted to help you would of told me about the bugs asoon as you found them.
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Jan 12, 2004
Explain the screenie of him bloody wearing the armour?

I didnt go onto the server and create a fuss, i replied to your message on forums as i needed to explain the items i DIDNT gain using armour bug. Which i dont want deleting as it would be unfair, yes?

Instead you ignore me so i cant tell you the items i got fairly. MM was using the bug as i clearly took a screenie of him with the armour on man, honestly how can you say he wasnt using it when he had it on? lol

Now if you would add me to msn we could have a proper chat which will benefit the server and you.


Jan 12, 2004
MysticMage never used armour bug, although ive found out he was using the wall bug on Azron. Which he has now had the rares that he gained from using this cheat take from him. Including the pro, AngelicBlade and AngelicNecklace.
he did use bug we have already posted the screenshots earlier.

Alot of bugs just been fixed in reboot.
thats nice to hear at least, i could have offered help on fixing them and tested them to make sure they were actually fixed.

If i remember correctly, all i asked was for your storage password so i could claim the bugged items and the items gained form using these items. Which instead of simply handing me the pasword, you went on the server and caused a big fuus, shooting accusations all over the place. So now your banned.
you never informed me of this (BLACK) and we wern't happy at the time because mysticmages items wernt being removed from him after we had screenshots of him wearing it whereas everyone else was expected to hand over everything they had.

Could of been alot easier.
that it could

There is no curruption on this server Kadama, but your loss.
there is its just in the sense that you have a soft spot for your friends, i strongly recommmend though that you look into n00bs kit as noone can gem anywhere near close to that unless shes been handed orbs, naturally with orbs over time you can amass mc like that but her mc kit was almost overnight and you cant be that good with gems even with hundreds it would take alot of time you should try it yourself.

if you would pm me your msn or allow me/us to get ingame so we can discuss it rather than continuing the discussion here it would be much appreciated.

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Jan 12, 2004

What a complete load of crap. I know how to get rid of bugs, you just dont tell me where bugs are, instead you completely abuse the hell out of them. You've only just annouced the bug in AzronsChamber due to the fact that your banned and its a cheap shot again me.

If you really wanted to help you would of told me about the bugs asoon as you found them.

Well, you banned us, we offered to help before you did if you dont remember. Why would we now, or then help to improve a server when it seems like we been discriminated against?


LOMCN Veteran
Loyal Member
Jan 5, 2006
Third time lucky eh?

I dont think you quite understand. I dont need help fixing bugs, i just need to know what they are.