is it .net 4.8 or just the two servers?


Feb 21, 2013
Since for some time back I couldn't play servers that required .net 4.8 (they wouldn't install on my older win10), I finally reinstalled my win10 and was able to check out Nexus and Odyssey servers.

Weird thing is, I get sound from these two servers even when toggled to PC desktop. All mir2 servers up to now, a simple click outside of mir window (when it was windowed) or toggle to desktop stopped the sound.

I'd have to download client for those servers that didn't require .net4.8 to find out if that sound quirk is due to the .net 4.8 or just the two servers I tried out are like that.


Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
i get the same for Odyssey when its medized and i dont get it on my server.


Staff member
May 19, 2003
I'm not 100% sure on the issue you're having as I don't understand your explanation - is it just that these servers don't mute the sound when the client window isn't active?

.net framework has nothing to do with sound. If the server requires 4.8 and you don't have atleast that version then the whole client just wouldn't be able to run.

Depending on what the servers are using it could be down to DirectX/SlimDX versions they're using - but i doubt that also. More likely its to do with a setting such as "always on top" which is causing it.


Feb 21, 2013
maybe the two server owners shared some sound features 'innovations'. Now as I am writing this, I hear hens and bulls and what not else. I used to play YT and listen to it ingame but it never worked that way the other way around.

BTW your server has that sound mute icon under the minimap but it doesn't work, or didn't on mir420 that I take it is 'your server'
sometimes (if it would work) I would use it to shut off the SZ sounds to concentrate on whatever

@Far I installed new win10 with .net 4.8 and now I can install & run those two server just fine (before with .net 4.0 even the autopatcher would refuse to run and .net would refuse to be upgraded to 4.8)

But as I said, the sound spills into windows and it does it whether I am full screen and toggle out to desktop or if in windowed mode, when I deactivate the mir window. Can't shut the sound off unless I quit the clients or mute the sound in the Options (which can't be relied on, always been funky and hard to adjust the sound volume in all crystal clients).

I'd have to download those older servers to check it out but Iceman says his file don't do that, so it has to be something about just these two servers then. But since both are that way, I thought maybe the new win10 with its updated .net does it, I mean what chance both would have it like that...

I thought the new .net might be doing it but now looks like it is the way the two servers were customized. BTW they are heavily custom with Nexus OTT for my taste
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Hero's Act Mir 2
Apr 17, 2003
Always on on both set to True , older clients when minzied dont play sounds , newer clients when minzed still play sounds.


Feb 21, 2013
Newer as in clients from the newer source on github? My old local client that I used for testing maps and such like was way old, I think from 2017, it worked so I never bothered to get one from updated source since I didn't need some new features.

Anyway, I take it, having the client sound working this way is not desirable for others, that it is not just me.

Suppose you ran two clients like pple often do for expanded storage or fishing/mining, because then even if you logged one out to char selection and it had soundtrack playing as is mostly the case, you would hear that on top of the sounds from the other client you play. And if you minimized them all and did something on your desktop, you would hear a cacophony of sounds from them all unless you muted them all.
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