Legend Of Mir 4 (Basic Starters Guide)

smoochy boys on tour
So with the game Launching on Steam, Android, & ISO on the 26/08/2021 at 4AM GMT I decided to try create a beginners guide for those who didn't try the Closed Beta but intend to play at launch. (By no means do I know everything and some of the information may be translated incorrectly or be different from the Korean version of the game If that is the case please post the correct information and I will edit this main Post).

Important Information: Only Valid until the 25/08/2021
If you have a Phone or Tablet compatible with Mir4 I suggest Pre-registering on that then linking it up to your steam account after you have installed it on an Android or ISO Device and gotten the free Pre-registering gifts when it launches.

These are the Rewards.
1. [Rare] Mystic MIR Ring, 2. Advance Tonic x 10, 3. Prosperity Tonic x 10, 4. Greed Tonic x 10, 5. Vigor Pills (30 minutes) x 10.

However if you don't have a Phone or tablet don't worry about it there is a workaround. First you will need to go and Download and install
Bluestacks As default it will create a 32 bit Nougat version but if you follow This Guide it will show you how to create a 64 bit Nougat instance which is capable of Preregistering and downloading the game before Launch.

The Classes

Warrior Tank & Melee Physical DPS

The Warrior class is a close ranged melee combatant that has the best defense in the game it excels in both Solo & Group PVE however its damage is slightly lower than the other classes in the game. On the Korean Mir4 this class is recomended over the Lancer as it is more versatile and is free to progress friendly.

Lancer Melee Physical DPS & Off-Tank
The Lancer class is a close-mid ranged melee combatant with a wide selction of AOE attacks its damage is higher than that of the Warrior however its defence is not as high. On the Korean Mir4 this class is Tier 1 in 1V1 PVP/PK however it requires stuff from the Cash shop to reach its maximum strength.

Taoist Healing & Ranged Magic DPS
The Taoist is a ranged magic user with single target and medium sized AOE it also has healing and shielding spells and is valued as the most important class in the game. On the Korean Mir4 they say this class is the most free to progress class however it struggles with auto fight in the earlier levels but becomes very powerful later on.

Wizard Ranged Magic DPS
The Wizard is a ranged magic user with significantly higher DPS than the taoist and the largest AOE's it has a few defensive spells to help with its survivability as it has the weakest defense in the game. On the Korean Mir4 they say this class is also very free to progress friendly however it does use a lot of potions early on.

Archer Ranged Physical DPS (Not ingame at launch Speculation from Gameplay videos. Link 14 person group 9 of which are archers.
The Archer is a ranged physical damage dealer it has a lot of powerful attacks both AOE and single target. On the Korean Mir 4 their are a lot of people playing this class for raids, wars ect and the videos I've seen of the class make them look extremely powerful in both Solo & Group PVE/PVP.

Tip On Korean the Tier list for F2P is Tier 1 Taoist, Tier 2 Wizard, Tier 3 Warrior, Tier 4 Lancer the Archer wasn't on any of the lists I could find but I'd guess it falls into Tier 2 pushing the Wizard and Warrior back a Tier and there is no garentee that it is as free to progress friendly as the Tier 1-3 classes are.

Mir 4 Global Offical Website Has some basic information.

Here is a Link to a basic guide on the korean Mir 4 Website.

Here is a Link to the game encyclopedia on the korean Mir 4 Website.

Here is a few Basic begginers guides with useful tips Link 1 Purchasing Guide, Link 2 How to get Rare equipment, Link 3 General information, Link 4 Useful Tips.

Things that might not translate correctly: Wizard > Predicative or magician, Lancer > Samurai, Taoist > Swordman or Tsu. Materials on English server may be named differently to Korean

Large scale PVP fight at High level Link
Lower level PK vs lower level players Link

The Plan is to all Join EU 11 at launch and make a guild Currently Hurcules is providing a community discord for us all. Link to Discord

Updated 25/08/2021
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
So after searching about and reading up I get the general gist of why Lancer is more Pay to Perform sort of class. Basically spells can be upgraded from rank 1-4 using a semi rare material but for the last 4 ranks of the spell you need a different item specific to the spells name (or class not too sure which yet) that are slower to obtain (But they can be bought in some form from the cash shop on korean would assume some sort of RNG Chest). now for the other 3 classes its not essential as each can perform there roles well enough in both PVP/PVE the higher ranks make them more powerful but aren't essential.

But the Lancer design is more aimed at PVP/PK and burst damage because of this it is about as durable as a wizard (before they get magic shield) so in PVP/PK they need there spells maxed to basically get the jump on the player before they can counter attack otherwise they die quickly.

Now this isn't saying the class is bad you can play it F2P but don't be suprised if you PK/PVP prio to maxing spells you have a hard time or don't win but once they are maxed it is rated as the strongest class PVP when played and geared properly.

Endgame PVP summary 1v1 (going off equally skilled, geared and levelled)

Warrior Vs Wizard it comes down to the more skilled player.
Warrior Vs Taoist it almost a stalemate due to warriors defense and taoist healing but taoist has the slightest edge.
Warrior Vs Lancer it comes down to skill but its in favor of the Lancer.
Same class Vs Same class comes down to most skilled.
Wizard Vs Taoist the Taoist is favoured.
Wizard Vs Lancer Lancer is favoured but if wizard gets the drop or lucky with CC they can win.
Taoist Vs Lancer Lancer is favoured.

1st. Lancer 2nd Taoist, 3rd Warrior & Wizard.

Obviously Large scale PVP/PK would be different but that is the gist of what I found floating about.

Just thought I'd mention a few spells for each class have I-frames no clue if it will have that information in the discription and no clue what the spells are called but spotted it mentioned a couple of times on korean sites. Also no clue where the archer falls in the PVP/PK pecking order as of yet. (Assuming being a physical ranged class it will be extremely powerful vs casters as it doesn't have the movement issues that warrior/lancer have to deal with and casters have relatively low physical defense)
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
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Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
As slayer said the game is now able to be downloaded I also added a guide on how to predownload it on Bluestacks should your phone/tablet not be compatible with running the game on the my first post on.

Also Added a link to LOMCN Mir4 Discord and updated the Offical Mir4 global link to the guide and tips section.

The Plan is for those who wanna guild/group up to join on EU11 at launch.
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LOMCN Member
Oct 9, 2020
I have it downloaded and installed and auto patch it . is this where I wait for account access screen to show


I'm a massive prick
Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2017
Got to lvl 12 abit boring but gnna carry on till 30 see what it’s like as most of its auto play or farming


Golden Oldie
Jul 9, 2003
It's the same as every other mobile mmorpg available on mobile. Doesn't feel anything like Mir, really should have just done a mobile port of Mir2 or Mir3 :(


LOMCN Member
Oct 9, 2020
I've got to lol 26 for first days work I think it's really good game goes to lol 100 ATM


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
We’re up to 2 guilds

LOMCN - 20/20 members (soon to level and be 20/23)
LOMCN2 - 3/20 members

It’s actually a good game once u get into it, get past the fact it has auto features and your enjoy it, come join the second guild and get involved 💪🏻
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LOMCN Veteran
May 26, 2013
Hey Herc. I've played until lvl 12 and failed to see anything good in this game. For a mobile game with heavy p2w and the click here and there plus the daily tasks it gives you is a normal game.

What else is there besides that?!
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Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2009
Did anyone actually get their reward for pre-installing? or do you need to get to a certain level? i got to 7 and logged off


Golden Oldie
Golden Oldie
Apr 29, 2004
Even though the image they posted on app stores said pre-register for rewards turns out only people who played beta and submitted a survey got the pre-register rewards kinda a let down but meh.

As for the shop being heavily Pay 2 Win Yes it can give a player a little advantage starting out buying the Rare gear but its much harder for them to enchant so the Tier 4 uncommon gear when enchanted is just as good all they are paying for is a slight lead on F2P.

Also dunno why people keep complaining about auto play when it was made clear the game had it and it loses effectiveness around 25. Anyway if you don't like the game fair enough there is almost 2 guilds worth of players who are enjoying the game just fine.
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Golden Oldie
Oct 31, 2004
London, England
General gameplay is pretty much all auto, questing, gathering, grinding and tbh is very handy if you have a busy irl life/work etc but once you open up raids, boss raids, magic square and world bosses then you need to be on your toes and move/dodge to avoid boss attacks and also certain skills need to be used like stuns at certain times n things so if you auto you’ll just die pretty fast, and when it comes to PK which is pretty much in any place other then towns then you really need to L2P because you will be smashed. All in all I think it’s decent, plenty to do like crafting, mining, gathering and the usual grinding **** that’s in mir2.


Feb 26, 2004
I jumped onto it not expecting much lol, and i've literally reached Lv.30 by doing...nothing.

Thats right...absolutely nothing bar a few clicks on the quest/mission menus to automatically run to/attack/farm and speak to NPCs...and get this...I even killed 5 people whilst minimised. At what point are you actually "playing" this game?

If this is the kind of game you are enjoying, where you are literally doing nothing more than monitoring a bot, i'm starting to see why cash grab servers are so successful on here lol.

You always expect P2W trash on mobile games, it's just a given...but now you don't even play the games, you're just monitoring bots :D Half of the people who reported issues with the game launching on their phones is because the game detected auto-clickers lol! Hardcore mobile gamers can't even play their mobile games without some sort of automation, mobile games are even worse than I thought.

Going to see if i can fleece the population by running like 20 accounts or something and just selling **** to people lol.


Prime Hunter
Jun 4, 2018
Between 30-40 PK is hot, afk lvling your likely to get slain, boss raids require attention or it’s a wipe, the easy bits are the afk bits 💯

Notice I liked your comment, if u mine me dark steel il like all of your Lomcn posts 👌😂


LOMCN Veteran
Feb 16, 2011
Absolute terrible game. lol this is what i think the mir player`s who cant pvp play. Just my 2 p anyway... auto play???? quest clicking lol. unsure why skill being mentioned tbh. but again each to their own ? ;/
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