Zircon Phoenix XE (PvE)

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!

Exp Rate: Med Exp Table (Level Cap currently 350 with content to match)
Gold and Drop Rates: Custom
No Gameshop - Patreon Community Bonus

Original Launch Date: April 3rd 2021
Season 4 Launch Date: 12th January 2024 - 6PM

New Class, New Skills.
5 Classes (Warrior, Wizard, Taoist, Assassin, Summoner)

The Team Currently Consists of:
4 Content Developers
3 Community GMs
1 Discord Manager

Phoenix XE - Continues to focus on PvE and be family-orientated, many of our original players and staff from the early 2000's have reconnected here. Phoenix is a medium rate server, by comparison, however, with the introduction of the bloodline system, the current level cap is now at lv350 with appropriate content to match.

We run a highly customised Mir 3 server, drawing inspiration from the original Mir 3, Diablo, and Final Fantasy series of games, we've implemented many modern game client features, including discord support for resolutions upto 4k, multiple displays, optional smooth movement, audio integration for beastiary information and skill descriptions, and now audio for quests too, We also have a highly customised raiding system allowing for Heroic, Mythic, Archaic and Primordial Instance Dungeons, each with unique challenges and rewards.

There are so many new features I can't even fit them all in a few posts here without having to skip out on the amazing features we have to offer. Please take a look through the patch notes for a detailed look at what we've added in the last 6 months alone.

You can see our latest patch notes here: https://discord.com/channels/707603153503387719/1116307946578640957/1116307949695021097

Discord Channel Link: https://discord.gg/VtmwSzN
Alternatively, Search Discord for Xtreme Servers
IP Address
English (Any Other Welcome)
Server Type/Files
EXP Rates
Host Machine Stats
12-Core 4Ghz CPU
1000MB Line
Direct Download Links
Launcher V3: https://www.xtreme-server.com/downloads/phoenix_launcher.zip
Client Data: V3 : https://www.xtreme-server.com/downloads/phoenixxe_client_full_v3.zip
Website and Forum Links
Gameshop Information
We don't sell Game Gold, we run a supporter program with individual and community-wide rewards.
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Jan 10, 2009
This thread is reserved for advertisement of server content and updates.

Only the server owner(s) are authorized to post here.


If you wish to discuss this server or need technical support, please use the dedicated Discussion Thread found in the Server Discussion section.
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Patch Notes - 5th April 2021
Fixed Desert City and EvilSpirit Map bonuses, this should balance out the area more.

Spell related updates
Updated the drop rate of all skills level 30 and below, these should now appear more frequently when defeating monsters within the correct level brackets.
Arcane Library updated, bookcase now require a certain amount of hits to destroy, skillbooks level30 and under will drop more frequently in this location.
These two changes will no longer make it feel like certain classes or playstyles feel penalised. You can gain these skillbooks equally through group or solo hunting.
Books 30+ still obtainable in the usual ways. (Please note it is possible to obtain all skill in the Arcane Library with a bit of luck.)
Aura skills have been adjusted to be lv 10, 12, 14 skills and are in the appropriate drop tables and Arcane Library.

Mob Related
Added a new AI for Morgainia (Dragon Form)
Decreased regular boss spawn timers to 30 minutes (down from 60 minutes)
Increased base exp of mobs in Snow Palace by 10-15%
Changed the graphics to the correct ones for Kektal and Spiderfrog.
Updated the bookcases in the arcane library, and increased the chances of receiving skill books in general.

Added New quests to flea cave entrance Quest Board. (Other areas will follow)
Currently 4 levels of difficulty, based on the feedback of this template it will determine how other caves are setup.

Other Important Updates
Changes the group bonus formula, far too complicated for me to explain, but the way it's worked out is more favourable to groups of all sizes now.
Increase maximum group size from 10 to 15, should help guilds form larger groups.
New @Hugs command

Blade of Spirit Caller Stats balanced (full set still yields a decent bonus for it's intended level).
Fixed some class requirements on weapons. (lv 15-70)
Fixed the other items in the spirit caller set

Other Important Updates
A few adjustments to a certain Hugs command. Delay code added to TP to group leader. Let us know if this helps, and if further delay required.
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Patch Notes - 10th April
Spell Related Updates

Increased the buff duration for Taoist skill Resilience. Increased the buff duration for Taoist skill Magic Resistance. Increased the buff duration for Taoist skill Elemental Superiority. Increased the buff duration for Taoist skill Bloodlust.
Set Tao buffs, Resilience, Bloodlust, Magic resistance, Elemental Superiority to 30 Minute buffs (Additional Buff duration bonus based on skill level - 5 minutes per level)
Changed Bloodlust to give a skill level based incremental bonus to both MinDC and MaxDC (up from MaxDC only).
Changed Resilience to give a skill level based incremental bonus to both MinAC and MaxAC (up from MaxAC only).
Changed Magic Resistance to give a skill level based incremental bonus to both MinMR and MaxMR (up from MaxMR only).
Changed Elemental Superiority to give a skill level based incremental bonus to both MinMC/MinSC and MaxMR/MaxSC (up from MaxMC/MaxSC only).
Added new skill Cure (Taoist)
Added New Wizard Spell Ice Shower (Ice Element Version of Meteor Shower)
Updated SummonPuppet to 10 seconds
Updated Assassins Skill Names where you receive additional damage bonuses using combination attacks. Combo: Full Bloom, Combo: White Lotus, Combo: Red Lotus, Combo: Sweetbrier
Updated the mana cost of all active casting spells for all 4 classes, this is the second part to the big skill changes, skills will remain with no or very little base CDs in PvE. (Some additional CD mechanics will be introduced for Wars and PvP at a later date.) This affects a total of around 140 skills. Add Client Data Files
Added a change to Greater Evil Slayer Allows targeting multiple enemies at higher skill levels.

Updated start shops with additional skill books for each class, most classes will have some skill books up to level 24 available. Some have also been removed to make finding certain books more rewarding.

Mob Related
Updated a number of area spawn counts and experience tables.

Added New quests to flea cave entrance Quest Board. (Other areas will follow) Currently 4 levels of difficulty, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.

Other Important Updates
Cool down on group teleport.
hugs were playing in the wrong sound catagory
Additional logging added - more indepth logging...
Changed descriptive text 'Comfort' to 'HP Regen'
Removed test spell from (Regen) from DB
Fixed Gameshop Items and ability to purchase with HuntGold (Hunt Gold can be acquired ingame)
Added a number of items to the Game Shop HuntGold Purchasing.

Fixed the other items in the spirit caller set

New Stuff
Added Rift Shrines which can be found around the 3 main normal world towns.
Each shrine will give a small buff to players in the general area of said shrine.
Shrine of blessings +10% Exp
Shrine of exploration +10%ItemDrop/+10%GoldDrop
Shrine of vigilance +2 Attack Speed +10 Accuracy +10% Evasion Chance
Shrine of fortitude +10AC +10MR +10%Block Chance
Shrine of power +5%DC/+5%Mc/+5%SC
Shrine of restoration HP/MP Recovery +10% per tick

Big thanks to our developers for all the coding support this week and a huge thanks to the community staff for all their support during our opening first week!
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Priority Notes - 12th April
Skill Updates

Renamed Taoist Skill ET to Talisman Explosion, this is now only a single target skill
Renamed Taoist Skill IET to Greater Talisman Explosion
Magnify Tao Explosion/Evil Slayer skills removed from game.
Greater Evil Slayer & Greater Talisman Explosion are both now AoE Skills by default and increase in both damage and number of targets based on skill level
Reduced the Base Mana Cost of the following Warrior Skills, Thrusting, Half-Moon, Flaming Sword, Dragon Rise, Blade Storm, Destructive Surge, Swift Blade, Seismic Slam.
Reduced the Mana Cost Increase per Level of the following Warrior Skills, Thrusting, Half-Moon, Flaming Sword, Dragon Rise, Blade Storm, Destructive Surge, Swift Blade, Seismic Slam.
Reduced the Base Mana Cost of the following Assassin Skills, Combo: Full Bloom, Combo: White Lotus, Combo: Red Lotus, Combo: Sweetbrier, Flame Splash
Reduced the Mana Cost Increase per Level of the following Assassin Skills, Combo: Full Bloom, Combo: White Lotus, Combo: Red Lotus, Combo: Sweetbrier, Flame Splash

Monster Updates
Removed Seals requirement from Pranja Temple, Change Mino King to 30 minute respawn inline with other boss mobs in original dungeon maps.
Improved Bonus Boss Drop Table across all maps
Improved ToK Boss Drops Tables to include a guaranteed gold drop and improved item drop chances.
Activated Morgainias Dragon Form AI

Other Important Updates
Updates Server and Client Core Files to latest version Lots of backend and coding updates for future updates(edited)
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Patch Notes – 23rd April 2021
Global Drop/Loot System Changes

This is a big one, and affects every mob in game, the drop table for each mob has been expanded for mobs level 1-150 Increased the item level range from 10 to 20 level, this means mobs will now also drop items from the drop table range below the one they are in.
Example: Lv 45 Mobs, will still drop items in the 41-50 category, but will now also have a boosted chance to drop items in the 31-40 category as well.
In the lower table range they have a 10% increased chance of dropping those items than mobs from that category. Not only will this boost the chance of getting items, making harder locations more viable for group hunting, but will also increase the magic loot possibilities. Another huge change is the way boss and sub boss drops are now worked out. Drop chances are still based on the area and monster level as before, but in addition, you also get a chance from the boss monsters unique drop table. Bosses have a 90% increased drop rate compared to the standard monsters of the same level. In addition to this there is also a generic boss bonus item drop table that all monsters and bosses can trigger, which contains special items like oils and elixirs. I've been through and applied these updates across every boss and sub boss in the database to make sure ALL sub/boss mobs are capable of dropping items not just gold and exp!

Global Monster Updates
Another huge undertaking, over 1500 individual spawn triggers have been modified. In-game this translates to roughly a 40-60% spawn density and in some areas the re spawn timers have also been decreased to bring respawns closer in alignment.
This increase is in most areas that were having trouble keeping up with hunting. Areas affected by the change include; Abandoned Town, Ant Colony, Arcane Library, Arid Flats, Beyond Shore, Bichon Castle, Bichon Cave, Black Palace, Dead Pit, Death Valley, Desert City/Tunnel/Mines, Dragon Abyss, Flea Cave, Forgotten Monastery, Goru Cave, Illusion Woods, Lava Temple, Lost Lands, Mystery Ship, Naga Temple, Numa Ruins, Pandoras, Quartz Mines, Red Moon Valley, River of Flames, Silent Wind Temple, Snow Palace, Southern Areas, Stone Tomb, Temple of Kings, Last Bastion, Western Areas, Wooma Temple, Zuma Temple. Re-balanced the levels of some monsters in the level 20-40 areas so they better reflect the difficulty and potential drop tables. Numa Ruins updated and now has 2 new boss mobs.
Further updates to Snow Palace, Snow Tower, made stat changes to the mobs in these locations, increased, hp and exp, added ice and physical weaknesses. Increased spawns to create a better spread across the different floors.
Lost lands lv req changed, LL1 - Lv40, LL2 - Lv60, LL3 - Lv80. Spawn density greatly increased.
Silent Wind Temple - Renamed back to Hyunmoon Temple, SWT will return in it's old style in second world (outwards from last bastion).
Pandora Caves Spawn densities and timers adjusted to be inline with other changes server wide.

New Stuff - Heroic Dungeons
Each main temple now has a heroic dungeon which can be accessed by killing a regular temple boss. Once the regular boss is defeated a timed portal will appear for 10 minutes allowing anyone close by to walk through it into the heroic instance of the same dungeon.
These areas are approximately 4x more difficult than the original dungeon and have no level requirement to enter, making them a perfect addition for group and guild hunting. The item drop tables will also be higher than the original temple inline with the difficulty increase. Currently, we have the following locations ready for testing:
Heroic Stone Cave, Heroic Black Temple, Heroic Jinchon Temple, Heroic Numa Ruins, Heroic Wooma Temple, Heroic Zuma Temple.

Each of these locations have new versions of the original mobs (nearly 50 new mobs!), new names, updated drop tables, new AI for all bosses, heroic bosses will require strategy and tactics. You can't TP or Recall into Heroic Zones, the only way in is through the Portal.
Updated the AC, MR and resistances and weaknesses of heroic mobs to make things a little different to the normal maps, each mob has a weakness that can be exploited with good group play.
Decreased to 'Portal Pull Area' to 1 range down from 5, should be able to collect boss drops without getting sucked straight through the portal now! Increased the map wide buffs in heroics, they now start with the exploration buff equivalent to floor 3 in a regular dungeon. Which should make them a little more viable on each floor for all player levels. Changed dynamics of the heroic dungeons, the general rule of thumb, no ranged (or little ranged) mobs on first heroic floors, steadily increasing in difficulty and density as you progress, longer heroics are hard by design. Mob respawns get harder the deeper you go, starting at 5 minutes, reducing by 1 minute per floor until it gets to 1 minute respawns. Difficulty allows for multiple level groups to use these areas, not just high level only. Getting to the Heroic Boss will be a challenge. ALL spawn densities have been revised based on feedback and get harder the deeper you go. All Heroic Bosses now have a 30 minute respawn.
Adjusted Heroic Boss Movement and Attack Speeds, Some additional AI tweaks also made
Added guild points to Heroic Bosses

PVP Specific Updates
Added a global skill delay for PvP based wars (this will be adjusted as we go, but we needed to start somewhere!)
Updated broken TP related code when it comes to map wide settings.

Re-balancing - base level stats
After reviewing the server for the last few weeks, 2 classes are quite out of sync at later levels for survivability, as such a small change has been made to the base level hp stats.
Wiz HP per level increased from 16 to 20 (meaning a level 70 wizard will now have around 280 additional hp)
Sin HP per level increased from 20 to 28 (meaning a level 70 assassin will now have around 560 additional hp)
Taoist and Warrior HP remain unchanged.

Skill Updates - Wizard
Changed wizard fire formula in line with other fire category skills.
Made changes to frostbite. Skill Damage cap scales inline with the users MC and MaxMP and skill level. Still capable of critical hits above this cap. Added a small cooldown to this skill to prevent an invulnerability loophole.

Skill Updates - Assassin
Combo skills no longer use mana pool in any way to calculate damage for combo skills, it’s now entirely DC focused as I wanted them to be originally.
Combo 1: Full Bloom - uses DC to work out damage totals,
Combo 2: White Lotus -uses dc to work out damage, base damage is higher than full bloom. When used directly after Full Bloom within the buff timeframe, receives an additional damage bonus.
Combo 3: Red Lotus -uses dc to work out damage, base damage is higher than white lotus. When used directly after White Lotus within the buff timeframe, receives an additional damage bonus.
Combo 4: Sweet Brier -uses dc to work out damage, base damage is higher than red lotus. When used directly after Red Lotus within the buff timeframe, receives an additional damage bonus. Using these skills in the correct rotation will yield better bonus damage and fit into the combat mechanic I want assassins to use going forward.

Skill Updates - Warrior
New Skill - Fortress of Stone – Lv49 - Temporarily renders the Warrior impervious to damage for a short duration based on the skills level. Any damage taken in this time is then expelled outwards to nearby enemies. Damage Cap is scaled based on Players DC and Maximum Health. Especially suited to both solo and group-based tank playstyle. There is a small cooldown to prevent an invulnerability loophole.
New Skill – Shield Wall – Lv7 – Provides a scalable boost to HP, AC and MR.

Other Updates.
Change the RiftStone Requirements for ToK from 1->100 kills (now we know this is working as expected)
Changes the rift stone recall from king room to floor 1, this means if you are still on floor 1 when a new rift stone is used you will end up back in the lobby.
The whole Seals system has been removed from all temples and replaced with a timed boss spawn. Boss respawns across the server have been reduced to 30 minutes.
Fixed tao demonic skill requirement glitch on books.

Pet System Updates
Updated resurrection text to direct players more clearly on how to revive a fallen Soulmon (Thats a SoulShard pet for those not in the know!)
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Patch Log - 30th April 2021
Heroic Dungeon Updates

Added 183 new items that are made specifically for Heroic Dungeon Areas. These span levels 35-75 and all equipment item types.
Heroic Items start at the second rarity grade, which means magic drop versions are able to gain more additional stats than regular versions, Heroic Items also have a +50% stat boost when compared to the original items.
Heroic Mobs can drop heroic items level 35-70,
Heroic Subs can drop items level 35-70 at much better rates than regular heroic mobs.
Heroic Bosses can drop items level 35-70at much better rates than regular heroic mobs AND also have 19 items lv 71-75 that only drop from the heroic bosses.
Please note, these items are superior rarity base, but each heroic item can upgrade all the way up to Xtreme rarity for those lucky enough.

Skill Updates
Tweaked the Sin Combos slightly, overall total damage remains unchanged, but the ratio of bonus damage received when using them in rotation and out of rotation is slightly wider. We want to encourage full combo rotations for Sins rather than just one of the skills only.

QoL Fixes
Updated glitched respawn timers for Arid flats (was nearly 5 hour respawn time here..)
Updated Normal dungeon/temple boss timers to 30 minutes (the ones that replaced that seals system - down from 60-120 minutes)
Updated ToK Messages, Seals are now player level messages, Morgainia resurrection message remains global, Dragon form message in local map.
Rift Stone messages tweaked.
Updated swear filter auto-ban criteria repeated violations will still result in an automatic ban,
Anti-Lag fix applied and tested, seems to be holding well, let me know if anything seems out of place during the event. Updated gold drop rates in monastery based on feedback,
War God Oil rates in boss/sub drops improved. Emblems were not supposed to be in the shops, this was an oversight, the stats and prices have been adjusted The first 3 emblems have had levels changed to 30,40 and 50, and elemental resistance 1. Emblems added to global bonus drop list (any mob can drop), and also level 40-70 mob drops specifically.
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Small Patch - And Reboot - 15th May 2021
Ant Colony
- Added chance of Doubled Gold Drops
- Added Shrine Spawns to these maps

Flea Caves
- Added chance of Doubled Gold Drops
- Added Shrine Spawns to these maps

Bichon Cave
- Adjusted to be a good starter cave for Assassins and Warriors
- Increased spawn numbers and density
- Dark Contract taming works here
- Skeleton Lord has a good drop table
- Added Shrine Spawns to these maps

Dead Pits
- Higher chance for all skill books 16-30 in this area (especially from boss)
- Dark Contract taming works here
- Area prepped for mining (future update)
- Ghoul Champion has a good drop table
- Added Shrine Spawns to these maps

Death Vally
- Vastly increased spawn density per floor
- Added Shrine Spawns to these maps

Mass Beckon - Added additional delay based on total mobs beckoned
Added DSP to all heroic mobs (accidentally set to only heroic bosses before!)


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 21st May 2021
Chain Rage radius, and maximum targets fixed.
Level 100+ exp issue fixed
Fix for low level items dropping from high level areas
Fix for Mass Beckon Freezing and Radius Issue.

Chain Rage updates

Belt of the Warrior, renamed to Belt of Might
Belt of Might changed to allow all classes.

Added BossTracker ability to assassin off-hand items from 55+ inline with warriors.
- Footpad Guard, Disciple Guard, Mercenary Guard, Warrior Gaurd, Veteran Guard, Shinobi Guard, Adept Guard, Expert Guard, Master Guard, Grandmaster Guard.
Added Boss tracker to heroic assassin off-hand item, Heroic Footpad Guard.


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 29th May 2021
Overhauled the Group Drop Formula to benefit groups not penalise them.
Group Drop System Overhauled, the previous system penalised group hunting to the point of making it non-viable. The new system leaves the Solo drops system as it always has been but that's where it stops. For groups there is a new system that works things out differently, you WILL notice the rates are far more encouraging with the new system and should be a greater incentive to group.
To give you an idea, the drop rates originally got 100% worse for every player in the group. The new system comparison would be about 20% per player, so a group of 6 players with the new system would be like having a group of 2 players in the old system. A group of 11 players in the new system would be sort of like a group of 3 players in the old system.

Loot System Overhauled
There is now a different Loot System for regular and boss type monsters,
What is the Loot System, is it not just drops?
In short no, our server uses drop tables based on level ranges of the monsters you are killing, this means there are many more drops available during hunts the Loot System overlays that further by adding a chance mechanic for added stat items to drop.
How does it work?
Each time an item successfully drops it passes through the Loot System to see if you gain extra stats. This is different for Regular Mobs and Boos Mobs.
Regular Mobs
There is a 50% chance of a common level drop with added stats, 1 LootRoll with upto +1-2 stats for each LootRoll.
There is a 25% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to a Superior Grade item, this gives you 1-3 LootRolls with upto +1-2 stats for Each LootRoll
There is a 20% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to an Elite Grade item, this gives you 2-4 LootRolls with upto +2-4 stats for Each LootRoll
There is a 5% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to a Legendary Grade item, this gives you 3-5 LootRolls with upto +3-6 stats for Each LootRoll
Boss Mobs
There is a 50% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to a Superior Grade item, this gives you 1-3 LootRolls with upto +1-2 stats for Each LootRoll
There is a 25% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to an Elite Grade item, this gives you 2-4 LootRolls with upto +2-4 stats for Each LootRoll
There is a 20% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to a Legendary Grade item, this gives you 3-5 LootRolls with upto +3-6 stats for Each LootRoll
There is a 5% chance of your regular item getting a rarity grade boost to an Xtreme Grade item, this gives you 4-6 LootRolls with upto +4-8 stats for Each LootRoll

What stats can be added?
Loot System added Stat Types vary based on the item types, these have also just been overhauled to allow a greater range of item drops.
Weapon - MaxDC, MaxMC, MaxSC, Accuracy, ElementalAttack
Armour - MaxAC, MaxMR, Health, Mana, ElementalResistance,
Off-Hand Items - MaxAC, MaxMR, BlockChance, EvasionChance, PoisonResistance, ElementalResistance
Helmet - MaxAC, MaxMR, ElementalResistance
Necklace - MaxDC, MaxMC, MaxSC, Accuracy, ElementalAttack
Bracelet - MaxAC, MaxMR, MaxDC, MaxMC, MaxSC, Accuracy, Agility, ElementalResistance
Ring - MaxDC, MaxMC, MaxSC, PickUpRadius, ElementalAttack,
Boots - MaxAC, MaxMR, Regen, ElementalResistance,
Belt - MaxAC, MaxMR, MaxDC, MaxMC, MaxSC, BlockChance, EvasionChance, PoisonResistance, ElementalResistance,
Wings - MaxAC, MaxMR, Regen, ElementalResistance, PickUpRadius

What about item names?
If you are lucky enough to get a rarity upgrade, these come magic names, most of which also apply an additional boost to certain stats.
The names list has been now been expanded and can current contain up to 2 magic names, these can be any combination of the 55 actions, 53 beast names, 4 classes, any online player name and a few special names.
Item name stats include boosts to DC, MC, SC, AC, MR, Health, Mana, Accuracy, Attack Speed, and special stats like Boss Tracker.

Forgot to add something to the LootSystem information above, if a Book type item drops through the Boss Loot System, the book will have at least 75 pages (always higher level books from bosses and subs with this update)

Fixed the low-level drops in high-level areas issue.

Reworked ‘Dark Stones’, renamed to Manarite and added all 7 elements.

Updated Assassin Skill - Dark Conversion - Each skill level now multiplies the healing amount by 100%.
Updated Assassin Skill - Raging Wind - Improved the AC and MR bonus by around 18%.
Updated Assassin Skill - Raging Wind - Buff Timer improved inline with warrior auras (1 minute base + minute per skill level)
Updated Assassin Skill - Evasion - Buff Timer improved inline with warrior auras (1 minute base + minute per skill level)
Updated Taoist Skill - Demon Explosion - Changed based on player feedback after previous change, minimum and maximum damage caps now applied, radius fixed at 3 and damage caps scale with skill level.

New PvP instance of Temple of Kings added
As a trial, I’ve created a branch in the ToK lobby, one door will take you the usual route, the other door will take you to a second ToK instance.
The second instance will be a PvP enabled area. Meaning in this area you will be allowed to PvP, boss lure/steal without penalty.

Item Balancing
Sword of Kings (ToK) (Evolution Item) - Evolution bonuses cap at level 80 down from level 100.
Each evolution happens every 10 levels from level 40-80
Legendary Elemental Rings all changed to no level requirement. (fire element ones still had the old requirements)
Droppable mounts now equipable from level 1 (down from 100?).

Area Changes
Level Restrictions on maps reduced from current levels and capped at level 40. after a long hard discussion on this in the supporters channel, I have agreed to lower the world map restriction cap to 40 across the board. This will help with guild and group hunts, which should compliment the new group drop loot system and boss related changes.

Max elemental resistance on mobs capped at x5 (no more x7 in random maps!)
Lava Temple Spawns significantly increased across all floors.
River of Flames - Spawns significantly increased across all floors.
Pandoras Cave - Spawns significantly increased across all floors. Base exp of mobs in this area increased by 20%
Pandoras Box - Spawn increased.
Prajna Island - Spawn density significantly increased.
Southen Checkpoint, Dunes, Coast, Wall, Wastes - Spawn density significantly increased.
Goru Cave - Base exp of mobs here has been doubled inline with their difficulty.
Hyunmoon Temple - base exp of mobs in this area increased by 50% to reflect the difficulty. Spawns increased on floors 1 and 2 for better density scaling between floor.
Snow Palace - Base mob exp increased by 60-80% to reflect the mob difficulty in this area.
Snow Tower - base mob exp increased by 50-60% to reflect the mob difficulty in this area.
Zuma Temple - Spawn density significantly increased across all floors.
Heroic Zuma Temple, Spawn density significantly increased across all floors.

Other changes
Synth Cap increased to 10000, from 5000


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
PhoenixXE Patch Notes - 10th June 2021
Client Graphical Fixes

Fixed Off-Hand Walking graphics for Warriors (Shields)
Fixed Off-Hand Walking graphics for Wizards (Orbs)
Fixed Off-Hand Walking graphics for Taoists (Fans)
Fixed Off-Hand Walking graphics for Assassins (Claws and Guards)
Updated the info around Resistances and Weaknesses, E.Adv and E.Dis replaced with Resist: and Weak:
Elemental caps should now be at x10 for both players and monsters.

New Weapons
Added 88 new level 72-107 weapons to the drop pool.
Added 8 new 'one-handed sword' weapons for warriors items level 72-107 (With base life steal and base increased attack speed)
Added 8 new 'great sword' weapons for warriors items level 72-107 (With base increased dc compared to one-handed, slow attack speed, critical hit %, PvE Damage+ / Paralysis Chance)
Added 8 new 'fire staff' weapons for wizards items level 72-107 (With base fire attack +)
Added 8 new 'ice staff' weapons for wizards items level 72-107 (With base ice attack +)
Added 8 new 'wind staff' weapons for wizards items level 72-107 (With base wind attack +)
Added 8 new 'lightning staff' weapons for wizards items level 72-107 (With base lightning attack +)
Added 8 new 'War fan' weapons for taoist items level 72-107 (With base dark attack +)
Added 8 new 'War fan' weapons for taoist items level 72-107 (With base holy attack +)
Added 8 new 'War fan' weapons for taoist items level 72-107 (With base phantom attack +)
Added 8 new 'Sharp Glaive' weapons for Assassins items level 72-107 (With increased base attack speed, critical %+, PvE Damage+ / Paralysis Chance)
Added 8 new 'Vampiric Glaive' weapons for Assassins items level 72-107 (With increased base attack speed and life steal %+)
All imbued variants (that's all the weapons in the 77,87,97,107) have Much Higher PvE/Para/Lifesteal than the non-imbued variants, but can only be obtained from bosses.
Linked these new weapons to the drop tables, there are 44 weapons in general mob circulation, and 44 weapons that can only be obtained from bosses in the 70+ areas

Area Changes
Temple of Kings (PvE and PvP) morgainia spawn mechanics updated.
Now requires the collections of 8 ancient seals (which are dropped by ToK bosses). These seals are then to be inserted into the the ancient sealing shrine located in the King Room. This will allow guilds, groups and solo players the opportunity to collect there own seals and release there own Morgainia.
PvE version should be far more reasonable now, PvP version is still a free for all.
Numa Ruins base Exp increased by around 25%
Numa Ruin Heroic Exp increased by around 25%
Lost Lands 2 and 3 Increased the attack damage and speed inline with area level
Abandonned Town and Monastery Mobs added attack damage range to mobs in this area, originally Min and Max Damage were the same, Min Damage is now roughly 50% of Max Damage potential.
Abandonned Town and Monastery Mobs stats tweaked, resistaces changed, now more resistant to ice, dark and wind, and weaker to Holy, Fire and Physical

Skills Update:
Updated Taoist Skill - Dark Soul Prison
- Added compatibility with Manarite stones (Dark and Holy).
- When you equip a Dark Talismans or Manarite into the amulet slot your DSP Attack Element will become Dark, (As an added bonus it will also combine your characters Dark and Holy ElementAttack+ for the bonus damage calculation)
- When you equip a Holy Talismans or Manarite into the amulet slot your DSP Attack Element will become Holy, (As an added bonus it will also combine your characters Dark and Holy ElementAttack+ for the bonus damage calculation)
- When you have no Talismans or Manarite Equipped, DSP will become a non-elemental attack (Although it gains no elemental bonus damage)
- This damage type can be changed mid cast and the remaining 'pulses' will change to the new element type.
- All variants Deals half damage potential to Bosses
- Holy Variants deals bonus damage to undead mobs
- Dark Variants deals less damage to undead mobs
Updated Taoist Skill - EvilSlayer
- deals bonus damage to undead mobs
Updated Taoist Skill - GreatEvilSlayer
- deals bonus damage to undead mobs
Updated Assassin Skill - Dark Contract
- Chance of success improved per skill level.
Updated Warrior Skill - Fortress of Stone
- Damage received during FoS ignores AC value of caster.

Item Balancing
Regal Set Bonus - evolution bonus capped at level 80 (Each evolution bonus happens every 10 levels from 40-80),
Sword of Kings - evolution bonus capped at level 80 (Each evolution bonus happens every 10 levels from 40-80),
Former set items - Items that had original set bonuses removed, no longer say 'Set Bonus - Removed' and will appear as regular items.
Updated the level requirement for Dragon Weapons to 91 and 99 and set them as superior items (slightly harder to acquire than regular items, but a worthy late-game special type weapon)

QoL Fixes
Downgraded the rarity tier for synth stone to elite (will still appear with a purple glow ingame to make it easier to spot).


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 26 - June - 2021
Synthesis System Update

The synthesis system is our all in one item refinement system.
We have now expanded the synthesis forge to include the following item types.
Weapon, Off-Hand, Armour, Helmet, Boots, Brace, Necky, Rings, Belt. (That's 11 equipment items you can refine)

Currently you can refine any EQUIPPED item, we will expand on this in a future update.

We have now also expanded the stats available to add for each item type to:
DC, MC, SC, AC, MR (Refines for both min and max)
HP+, MP+ (These stats increase by increments of 10, so a +1 refine would be +10hp/mp)
Elemental Attack+ (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Holy, Dark, Phantom)
Accuracy, Attack Speed.

Weapons will automatically combine into 1 elemental type based on the last element+ refine you do.
All other items allow you to have multiple element types in one item.

Additionally, Item Rarity now affects the stats you can receive during a synthesis refine, higher rarity gear has chance of receiving bigger stat boosts.
common (+1 per refine)
superior (+1 to +2 per refine)
elite (+2 to +4 per refine)
legendary (+3 to +6 per refine)
xtreme (+4 to +8 per refine)

Synthesis points cap has been increased to 50,000
Synthesis Refine Cap is currently set at 10 per item. (This is expected to be increased again very soon)

Area Changes - The Last Bastion
(Accesable Lv 40 from Santuary - Speak to Lara)

This is the first part of the goblin content patch, with more content specifically for the higher level players (Oakmarsh) coming soon.
No longer a quiet town map, last bastion has become chaotic, and is now constantly under siege as the a goblins try to take the last civilised settlement.
Added new monster race added (Goblin).
Goblins are natural raiders, and will constantly siege towns and ambush players All Goblin race monsters are capable of advance scouting and ambushing.
They are also smarter than your average mob, if they run into particularly strong resistance like heroes (players) they will call for reinforcements.
Unlike other monsters, Goblins have an established hierarchy, they breed quickly and attack frequently.
Kill enough of them and they will call in their goblin champions and heroes, kill enough and Goblin Lords and Kings may appear to turn the tide of this everlasting battle!
Higher level (3rd and 4th tier goblins) have been spotted on the outer edges of the map, approach with caution these are high level mobs!

Other Area Changes:
Western Arid, significantly increased spawn density and reduced respawn timers.
Western Pass, significantly increased spawn density and reduced respawn timers.
Beyond Shore, significantly increased spawn density and reduced respawn timers.
Lost Way, significantly increased spawn density and reduced respawn timers.
Lost Oasis, significantly increased spawn density and reduced respawn timers.
Lost Village, significantly increased spawn density and reduced respawn timers.
Quartz Mine, quicker respawn timers
Arid Flats, quicker respawn timers
Numa Ruins, quicker respawn timers
Mystery ship, quicker respawn timers.

Visual Updates
New Features - Weather and Particles

Added the particle engine to the main core
Added weather effects to the mapinfo.
Added new weather effects, Fog, BurningFog, Blizzard, Miasma
Updated Heroic dungeons to show miasma weather effect to add to the ambiance and difficulty of the area.

Popup Windows
Character Stats Window

Updated the character stats window UI and layout

Monster info box
Added new monster stats/traits including Race, Difficulty, Taming potential, and race special notes.
Updated the visuals.

Movement related Icon colours on the minimap updated
Monsters now appear as red/orange dots
Quest monsters appear as yellow dots
Group/Guild Players appear as Green dots.
Minimap Dots are now a little bigger
Updated 'BossTracker' Status to locate Sub Bosses, Bosses and Behemoths separately.
Updated Minimap and Bigmap to better Identify, Mercenaries, Sub Bosses, Bosses and Behemoths with unique markers.

Feedback Updates:
Weapons (80+)

Updated all level 82+ weapons to incorporate a base Crit% + Damage to PvE% thats feels progressive after the Odyn weapons.
+DC% / +SC% / +MC% depending on the class

QoL Fixes
Updated FM mob to not deal double damage on teleport landing.
Updated the Client and Server Names
Updated the account activation email text.


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
A few screens showing some of the above updates


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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 2nd July 2021
Global level changes

Lowered Durability drop rate for melee classes by around 60%
Recategorised mob difficulty status for Sub Boss, Boss and Behemoth ratings. Each of these types have separate drop tables now.

Drop Updates
Sub Bosses are now the best place to 'farm' synthesis points and synthesis stones. Look for the mob difficulty in the monster info popup.
Bosses have a unique Loot System update which allows increased chance of Elite and Legendary tier drops. Additionally allows for Xtreme Tier items.

Item Changes
Sword of Kings - Increased the item stats of SoK, I had two choices based on the feedback received. Either reduce the drop chance and keep the reworked stats, or keep the drop chance and increase the stats to make it worth the grind. I liked the feel of the accomplishment of getting this item, so the stats have been increased and the drop chance remains the same. It does mean this item outranks most common weapon drops above its level cap, but given the effort required to get this item, I'm happy with that trade off.

Area Changes
Forbidden Monastery
All mobs resistances altered further, less resistant to Dark, increased weakness to Holy and Physical. recategorised as Undead race.
The higher end mobs in this area have had a noticeable reduction to their DC ranges. (down from 900-1555, to 450-900)

Quartz Mines
Mobs DC brought inline with the general area and scalable to the new FM stats.
Tweaked the mob levels and fixed the SubBoss drop tables.
Bobbit Bobbit now give 50 Syn points (up from 0)

Last Bastion
Goblin siege mechanics updated and restarted
Mercenaries will attempt to hold back the tides of goblins back.


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 7th July 2021
New Features - Items

Added new item 'Behemoth Manarite Core' can sometimes be found when killing behemoth class mobs. Give a temporary (1 hour) +50 boost to Max AC/MR/SC/MC/DC. (Based on the original Phoenix Tear)

New Features - Companions Update
Changed stat possibilities across each level milestone to the following: (These stats are the max you can get at each level)
Level 3 - MaxAC +10, MaxMR +10, MaxSC +10, MaxMC +10, MaxDC +10, HP +200, MP +200, HP Regen +4
Level 5 - BagWeight +200, Accuracy +10, Agility +10, Exp +10%, Drop +10%, Gold +10%, Attack Speed +5
Level 7 - MaxAC +15, MaxMR +15, MaxSC +20, MaxMC +20, MaxDC +20, HP +300, MP +150
Level 10 - CritChance +10, Luck +1, LifeSteal +5, ElementalResistances +5
Level 11 - ElementalAttacks +55, CriticalDamage% +20
Level 13 - Evasion% +5, Block% +5, ParaChance% +5, SilenceChance% +5, SlowChance% +25, HP% +10, HP +750, CriticalDamage% +20,
Level 15 - Evasion% +5, Block% +5, ParaChance% +5, SilenceChance% +5, SlowChance% +25, HP% +10, HP +750, CriticalDamage% +20,

Added 5 new milestone levels 16-20 as new skill levels.
Level 16 - DC% +3, SC% +3, MC% +3, Exp% +5, Drop% +5, Gold% +5
Level 17 - DC% +3, SC% +3, MC% +3, Exp% +5, Drop% +5, Gold% +5
Level 18 - DC% +3, SC% +3, MC% +3, Exp% +5, Drop% +5, Gold% +5
Level 19 - DC% +3, SC% +3, MC% +3, Exp% +5, Drop% +5, Gold% +5
Level 20 - DC% +3, SC% +3, MC% +3, Exp% +5, Drop% +5, Gold% +5

Updated the companion window to show new levels 16-20.

Added new potion of regrets, for Levels 16-20
Changed where to find these potions ingame:
- Elixer of Regret Lv 1-10 can be found on any Sub Boss
- Elixer of Regret Lv 11-15 can be found on any Boss
- Elixer of Regret Lv 16-20 can be found on any Behemoth

Updated the Companion Filter Options based on player feedback:
- Added Legendary and Xtreme drop filter options
- Reordered and cleaned up the GUI

New Features - Loot System Update
There are now 3 difficulty-based LOOT System profiles
Normal - All monsters and sub-bosses have access to this profile (no Xtreme tier items)
Boss - Only Boss difficulty mobs, lowest possible loot upgrade is superior (no common loot drops, also allows a chance for Xtreme tier items)
Behemoth - Only Behemoth difficulty mobs, lowest possible loot upgrade is elite (no common or superior loot drops, much higher chance of legendary and Xtreme tier loot drops compared to other mobs)

Added a class requirement check to item bonus rolls.
If the item belongs to a melee class it will add DC rather than SC or MC if those damage bonuses successfully roll.
If the item belongs to a magic class it will add SC or MC rather than DC if those damage bonuses successfully roll.
Items that fall outside of these requirements can still gain any damage+ stat.

Boss LOOT profiles now also have a guaranteed drop of at least 75 pages when dropping books.
Behemoth LOOT profiles now also drop 95-page books.

Fixes / QoL Updates
Fixed the names on elemental rings (Originally missing spaces)

New Features - Higher Level Content
Area Update - The Last Bastion

The real-time siege event content is now complete, The Last Bastion is an all-encompassing map. When the siege is active you will not be able to survive solo for long without forward planning if you choose to stay.
This map is aimed at being the first true group/guild hunting location and has been built from the ground up to accommodate guilds with low and high level players so everyone has something to do. For those that remember the old servers, this map draws it's inspiration from some highly enjoyable original content areas, both 'silent wind temple', and 'underworld' maps.
There are tiered strength mobs in this area so you can progress through the map as you gain levels, level 40-50 will be able to just about hold off the goblin raiders and halfbreeds, watch out for Raid Commanders these have the ability to cause bleed effects on players which is a deadly status effect if you don't have enough healing potions. Also, Raid Leaders will continuously call for reinforcements until you take them down. These should be you first main priority targets.

At levels 50-60 you should start holding your own against Goblin Raider Mages and Hob Raiders, these regular mobs also drop 1 synthesis point and 1 guild point per kill, a great place for those looking to utilise the synthesis forge!
At levels 60-70 it's time to start pushing back the horde, you should be able to hunt down Goblin Raider Shamans and Champions. More Synthesis Points and Guild Points for taking these down.

From there it’s going to take teamwork and tactics, Goblin Raider Heroes are solid level 80 sub-bosses with plenty of synthesis points and guild points, these are siege event-level targets and should only be engaged by parties ready for a good challenge on a moving battlefield, manage to take out 10 of these bad boys and the Raider Lord (Lv90) and his elite guard will come to force the tide of battle back in the Goblins favour.
Take out a few Goblin Lords and you will summon the warmongering Goblin Raider King… he’s a behemoth class level 100 mob and that's going to take some real teamwork to take down. The rewards are massive though, guaranteed high rarity gear and 1000 synthesis and guild points to share out among the successful.

This is a real-time tug of war siege event, it's the first 24/7 event map with a clear victory condition, start at any time, stop at any time.
There are also NPC Mercenaries (Demi-humans) actively engaging the Raiders on this map, although they can match the Standard raiders fairly well, they will start to struggle one on one with Hob Raiders and above.
Stats and EXP have been adjusted to make sure this map is scaled based on the mob difficulties.
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 24 July 2021
New Features - Loot System Update

There are now 3 difficulty-based LOOT System profiles
Normal - All monsters and sub bosses have access to this profile (no Xtreme tier items)
Boss - Only Boss difficulty mobs, lowest possible loot upgrade is superior (no common loot drops, also allows a chance for Xtreme tier items)
Behemoth - Only Behemoth difficulty mobs, lowest possible loot upgrade is elite (no common or superior loot drops, much higher chance of legendary and xtreme tier loot drops compared to other mobs)

Boss LOOT profiles now also have a guaranteed drop of atleast 75 pages when dropping books.
Behemoth LOOT profiles now also drop 95 page books.

Area Updates
Area Updates - Oakmarsh

Occupied by the Oakmarsh Goblin Clan, this area is aimed at 70-100+ it's a very large map and has tiered difficulty based on how far you progress.
The mercenaries from The Last Bastion are trying to push back to Oakmarsh Goblin horde so you will encounter some friendly fighters through this map.
Oakmarsh Goblin are uniquely different to other goblin clans and their champion and hero units have mastered their own skills and tactics.
The Oakmarsh Goblin Lord can be found outside the build in the center of the map.
Oakmarsh and Last Bastion Mercenary AIs updated (Blackmage and Warrior completed)

This area will require good team work and/or tactics to progress, it wouldn't hurt to assist the mercenaries clearing the way for larger mercenary parties to help you push forward.

Forgotten Monastery
- Spawn density and respawn speeds greatly increased on floor 1
- All bosses moved to Floor 2 (2 sumerians, 1 sumerian king)
- Bosses here no longer immune to all poisons, should now be able to inflict green, red and bleed.
- Bosses resistances randomly change on respawn.

Monster Updates
All Bosses now give Guild Points
All Behemoths now give Guild Points
All Heroic Bosses give bonus Synthesis and Guild Points

Updated all Monster AIs that use an IsBoss conditional trigger to include checks for Sub Bosses and Behemoths
Updates Map level code that uses the IsBoss conditional trigger to include checks for Sub Bosses and Behemoths
Updates Spell and Poison Code that uses the IsBoss conditional trigger to include checks for Sub Bosses and Behemoths
Updated the Minimap and Bigmap Windows to fix issues with colours, and to show Sub Bosses, Bosses and Behemoths when using Boss Tracker ability.
Added Freedom Passes to a mob specific chance drop from Crazed Warriors (both in PFN and SWC).
Added a small update around the refreshing of companion stats for level 16-20. Should fix stats not being calculated correctly.
Number of minor updates to minimap icons and colours for consistency.

Updated the intro theme.
Updated the final mercenary AI (whitemage)
Updated the Blackmage and Warrior Mercenary Stats based on the feedback from testing.
Updated the code for Legendary and Xtreme grade drops where in certain cases it could be ignored when set.
Fixed a case where level 16-20 stats wouldn't be included when the companion buff was reapplied.

Fixed Companion Buff Issue under certain circumstances where it wasn't reapplying the buff correctly for levels 16-20
Added the much requested Disable Weather Toggle under graphics tab in settings window. (It does require a client restart to take affect)
Cleaned up the Graphics and Accessibility Tabs under Settings.


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Phoenix Patch Notes - 24th-August-2021
The first major content milestone for Xtreme's Mir 3 server(s)

New Feature - Seasonal Leaderboards
Starting with Season 1 (September 1st 2021), leaderboards will be now be split so each wave of new season characters can compete with each other with a fresh leaderboard.
You don't need to do anything special to create a seasonal character, this will happen automatically from the date the new season starts.
Old season characters will not be migrated to new seasons, but will remain playable and have there own unique leaderboards. No resets, reboots or wipes.
Each season will have its own leaderboard, and there is also be an 'All Seasons' leaderboard for the overall top players.

New Feature - More Character Slots
Added 4 additional character slots ready for the season 1 update

New Items
Added 840 new class specific items from level 10-150, including Boots, Helmets, Armours, Rings, Necklaces, Braces, Belts.
Added 120 new class specific sets from level 10-150, these are all 6-piece sets with great bonuses.

Added Pickup Radius to Mounts
Between +1 to +7 depending on the rarity of the mount. (Currently 14 obtainable mounts in-game)

New Challenge Quest Board
Regular new challenges added to this board, good quests with great rewards.
- New Challange - Heroic Boss Bounty (Clear the 6 Heroic Dungeon Bosses for a unique Emblem and Spirit Gem)
- New Repeatable Challenge - Added a repeatable heroic boss bounty quest, this will allow you to farm the unique spirit gem from this quest.

New Stats - Casting Speed
Added new casting mechanic - Casting Speed, similar to how AttackSpeed affects the DPS of melee classes, Casting Speed affects the DPS output of caster classes. This has changed the way the game processes casting, although most of it works in the background, the only visible changes are the new stat and the actual speed of casting.
Casting Speed Stat added to Character Stats screen.
Casting Speed added to Loot System for drops with the magic name 'Focused'
Casting Speed added to synthesis system, Choosing 'Casting Speed' option will give Casting Speed increases.
Added Casting Speed +2 buff to the Vigilance Shrine Buff.
Added a cap to casting speed at +15 (same as Attack Speed).
Added a natural Attack and Casting Speed stat bonus based on level (increases around every 15 levels naturally up to a maximum of +5 - without equipment).

New Stats - Improved Resistances
Increased Player Resistances Cap to 10 from 5 inline with other resistance changes.

New Stats - Improved Agility
Updated the stat Agility to influence the speed of all actions in game, it’s not on the same level as attack and casting speed which significantly increase melee and casting speeds. But a high agility will affect things like the hard delay between actions, so things like movement speed, harvesting mining will be positively influenced by agility.

New Feature - Status Effect System Overhaul
Following in my prefered jRPG style of gameplay, I've overhauled the outdated Status effect system. All status effects have there own animations and effects.
New Status - Paralysis
- No longer renders target completely immobile, whilst paralysed target has a 20% chance to be interrupted during their next action (movement or attack), instead of 100% immobile+
- now only affects Movement and Physical Attacks, can be cured with purification, or Antipara Potions

New Status - Poisoned
- Slowly reduces health, can be cured with purification, or Antitoxin Potions

New Status - Burn
- Slowly reduces health and has a chance to ignite nearby objects (friend or foe), can be cured with purification, or Antiburn Potions

New Status - Frozen
- Reduces movement speed, attack and casting speed, can be cured with purification, or Antifreeze Potions

New Status - Cursed
- Slowly reduces mana, can be cured with purification, or Holyroot Potions

New Status - Silenced
- now only affects Magic Casting, can be cured with purification, or Echoherb Potions

New Status - Blind
- Physical Attacks become much more difficult, whilst under this effect, attacks will miss 80% of the time, can be cured with purification, or Lightvine Potions

New Status - Petrification
- Renders the target completely immobile, can be cured with purification, or Goldneedle Potions

Spell Changes
Added Burn Effect chance to Fire Element spells.

Fireball, Adamantine Fireball, Scorched Earth, Fire Wall, Fire Storm, Meteor Shower, Asteroid.
Fire Trap, Elemental Puppet (Fire).

Changed the code to reorder Spells by Level in the magic window.

Added Paralysis Effect to Lightning Element Spells.
Lightning Ball, Thunderbolt, LightningWave, Lightning Beam, ThunderStrike, Chain Lightning
Elemental Puppet (Lightning)

Monster Changes
Updated some monsters to use petrification inplace of paralysis.

Shrines Update
Any subboss difficulty mob now has a chance to spawn a random shrine on death, should make hunting and killing sub bosses much more rewarding for any level character.

Other Updates
Added the much requested Disable Weather Toggle under graphics tab in settings window. (It does require a character relog to take effect)
Cleaned up the Graphics and Accessibility Tabs under Settings.
Added a new button to the main panel for sanctuary teleport, between stats and character button.
Added a cooldown to the new sanctuary TP button, this cooldown applies to the whole process - going to sanctuary and returning to the point of origin counts as the same action.

Fixed Behemoth Manarite Core Stats Buff
Fixed Companion Buff Issue under certain circumstances where it wasn't reapplying the buff correctly for levels 16-20
Fixed the crash bug and storage issues
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