Xtreme Phoenix Mir 3 - Reboot

  • Remember! Never use the same account usernames and password across different servers!
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It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
Update - 6th July 2020
Added Soul Monsters System:

There is a new tab in-game, check the tab after Character.
- When killing tamable monsters, you have a chance of getting that monsters Soul Shard.
- Soul Monsters (Soulmons - see what we did there?) can gain experience and also level up.
- The experience needed to level up is unique to each Soulmon (even those of the same type), but the required amount for the next level is always higher than the previous level.
- Every time a Soulmon levels up they gain additional stats, these are also unique, even the same type can grow at different rates.
- Soulmons have the ability to ascend, there are up to 5 levels of ascension for each Soulmon and these determine the rate and range of their stat increases each level (The higher the ascension the higher the chance to receive more stats.) This ability is random and can happen at any level!
- Soulmons are naturally weaker when they are first equipped and summoned, you can visit a Healing Well to restore them to full HP.
- If a Soulmon is defeated in battle it will return to its Soul Shard, you can resummon it with a small amount of health afterwards however you will need to visit a healing well to restore it to full HP.
- The Soul Shard contains all of the Soulmons data, this item can be traded, sold or shared with other players, the stats are retained in the Soul Shard.
- There are currently 32 Soul Monsters, can you collect them all?

Added Character Ascension System:
- All characters can now reach level 100, to break that limit you will require an Ascension Shard.
- Each Ascension Shard (a consumable) grants an additional 10 levels, upto the server limit (currently lv250).
- Ascension Shards are available via the Ascension Shard Quests.
- As well as increasing the character level cap, ascension also unlocks new skill levels (lv 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).

Drop System and Item Naming Framework (INF):
Added rarity upgrades, any item has a chance to drop with increased rarity, and therefore increased additional stats. (Legendary Wooden Sword anyone?) We wanted to bring a little element of excitement back to loot hunting.
Item names, all items also have a chance of dropping with magical names, there are currently over 1.3 million combinations of names and stats increases for all items.
We have now also added a slim chance for item names to include player names of players currently online. This has proven very popular.
- Items now show rarity
- Items name saved better on the item (internal)
- item border colour on mouse over unique to the rarity of the item
- Item name in the market place is the colour of the item rarity
Certain words in new items get bonus (word related) stats above the default ones.
When creating an item from parts, slim chance of INF kicking in and providing an upgrade
Slim chance of items sent for synthesis coming back with a rarity upgrade

Client Additions
So as you guys know we have been looking at making Phoenix reboot a family-friendly server, but what you may not know is how we intend to improve our user experience.
We've has been working on a few special additions to the client that should help us address a few outstanding items I had on my todo list.
Firstly, adding a fully integrated Text to speech engine. This is primarily an accessibility option however it also serves as an upgrade. New configuration options have been added to the config to control what elements will be narrated in TTS, this includes all variations of chat and also NPC screens. From a personal perspective, it means my young kids will be able to partake in quests even if the words are a little too complicated for them to read. But it doubles as an improved experience giving a voice and more life to the NPCs.
We’ve also added more screen resolution options (includes most normal screen resolutions along with a few very large resolutions, the larger ones are probably better for observer and GMs but we may find other uses.

Fixed monsters in lost lands 1 2 and 3 these should now be at around the correct stats, Boss and Sub Boss now give synthesis points and should put up a good fight.
Updated the monsters, Azog chubabrak And urukhia and added synthesis points.
Updated some incorrect mob names.
Increased the spawn density in Desert Tunnel Level 3.
Beware Doom Claw, he’s been tweaked to reflect his end game status.
Sabuk Lord HP set to reflect his special AI....

Changed and updated all Health Potions, Mana Potions and Rejuvenation Potions to work better with our character stat changes.
All equipment items should now be dropable and tradable.
Renamed and Updated the stats on level 60, 64, 70, 75 and 83 armours for Sins
Renamed and Updated the stats on level 60, 64, 70, 75 and 83 armours for Warriors
Renamed and Updated the stats on level 60, 64, 70, 75 and 83 armours for Wizards
Renamed and Updated the stats on level 60, 64, 70, 75 and 83 armours for Taoists
Added New Level 90 Weapons to the drop tables. (Mobs level 81-90 will drop these)
Added Ascension Shards (see ascension system for more details)
Added Soul Shards (see soul monsters system for more details)

Experience Table Balancing:
Made some more monster specific tweaks, too many to name, but mostly in the 50-90 areas.

Added Hall of Souls
Hall of souls replaces whistle spot, get the new waypoint from Lara
Cla Narg now holds the whistle UI
Only the person who summoned a boss or a staff member can remove the Boss that is spawned.
This feature is going to be expanded on
Bosses summoned here now only give the player with the final blow the kill count (soul), drops/XP/synthesis points etc are still divided up among the group as normal.

New Mounts System
The framework for this system has been added, you will notice the area where this will be activated, more details in a later patch.

New Content
The starting map of the second world is now in-game, Hells Wall is currently accessed by speaking to Lara (Level 50+)
- New mobs
- New dungeons are being prepared on this world for level 80-140

Quality of Life Updates
King Room Requirements reduced by 10x
TP to group leader added to group box.
Both group leader and sanctuary now rely on the marriage tag for determining if a destination is a viable tp area.
Increased the places you can Marriage TP to (pretty much anywhere that isn't a king room)
Set appropriate level restrictions to lost lands 1 2 and 3 based on the new strengths of mobs there.
Removed rebirth from ranking (it's a system we won't be using)
Server Level cap has been increased to level 250 (Although level 100+ requires Ascension Shards - see below)
All class skills have now had their skill points required per level adjusted inline with our plans to activating skill levels 6-10.
This change has adjusted every skill and makes skill levelling as an average across all 4 classes much more streamlined.
Skills System rebalancing - skills points.
Skills Levels 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are now obtainable through Character Ascension.
New warning system integrated for server maintenance warnings (seems to be well received)
banned players and players higher than the level limit(GMs) are not shown on the ranking
Item parts now go straight to storage
Belts fixed (they use the same upgrade table as shields)
Mindc/ac/mr/sp/mc is now upped with max in synthesis
Skill Books are now colour coded per class

Bug fixes
Synth points removed from Frost Yeti.
Bookcase drops fixed.
Incorrect M and F armours fixed.
New items will display their rarity correctly in all (tested) circumstances
Many other little bugs squished, report any new ones in the usual places :)

Update - 22nd June 2020
New Patch:
Branding Update
We have a new official logo, the client should update to use this too.

New Drop System
In line with our overall plans, we have changed the drop system to fit inline with our vision of making phoenix fit in with more modern MMOs. As such the dro system itself has undergone some fundamental changes, previously each monster in the game had its own unique drop file and you would maybe have to spend hours trying to kill one type of monster to obtain a certain item. This for me is a stark contrast to how drops should work.
Going forward we will be switching to a drop table mechanic, this means that items will be dropped based on the level of the monster killed, meaning you can finally vary up your hunting and still be in with a chance of getting drops for your character.
There are some exceptions, some monsters will still have monster specific drops, such as meat and mob items (like mutton and husks). Some specific items like Zuma relic and such will still be obtainable from one location).
This is the first major test for this system and we welcome feedback regarding drop rates and item variance, things are going to be different.
Many more items are now in-game including up to item level 90 now.
More changes to come for this system in the next patch, watch this space.

Item Rarity::
We have been working through the framework for this system and more will be available very soon, for now, you will notice the following changes to some items drops if you are lucky.
Common Items (Item is standard)
Magic Items (Appearing as a light blue colour when dropped, has a few added extra stats compared with the common version)
Rare Items (Appearing as a yellow colour when dopped, has additional extra stats compared to magic item version)
Legendary Items (Appearing as an orange colour when dopped, has even more additional extra stats compared to rare item version)
Xtreme Items (Appearing as a red colour when dopped, these are unique items in their own right)

Experience Table Balancing:
Continued rebalancing of the experience table, I think we are about there now.
Level speed for 1-25 improved
Levelling speed from 25-50 smoothed out
levelling speed from 50-80 smoothed out
Level Cap increased from 80 to 90 inline with new items available in the drop tables.
Framework complete for taking characters to level 250, expect more level cap increases soon.

Skills and Spells
Framework now completed for ascended skills (skill levels 6-10) These will be available to use soon, for now, you will see them in-game in the skills menu.
Empowered Poison has been fixed (thanks to lionsmight for the help locating the issue)
Tao pet limit increased to 3 (to match the current wiz tame ability)

Quality of Life Changes (QoL)
Guild Leave/Join Delay Timer removed.
Gold pile size increased from 25k to 100k
Synthesis Stones should now have a red glow when dropped to make them easier to identify
Rebirth system removed, this will not be required on Phoenix.
Belts now have dura and can be repaired.
Belts added to Companion Filter.

Update- 6th June 2020
We released our first Content Patch today, read the release notes here.

Update - 29th April 2020
After 6 years of sitting in the shadows, we have decided to return to the Mir 3 scene.

We are starting over using the zircon files as a base and will slowly build back up to what Xtreme Phoenix used to be. We will be running a low rate, long term, family-friendly server just as before. I really hope we can welcome back our old player base, it would be great to catch up with all of you!
It's hard to compare our server's grand design to other servers, as like before we plan to take characters beyond level 1000, initially levelling may seem comparatively fast to other servers, but remember level 80-90 is not endgame here, in fact, it's less than 10% of the planned journey.

We will also be actively promoting the zircon files scene in the hopes to get more features shared and to help provide a deeper understanding of the files and how to make them better as a community, as we always did before, we plan to share all of our updates and hope others will do the same.
hope to see you all online soon!

(P.s. no plans for kaos reboot yet, the files are nowhere near that level of customisation yet, give it time :) )

At the moment we are focusing on communications through Facebook and Discord, though a website is still en route.
The Facebook link can be obtained by clicking the patch notes in the launcher or through the discord channel.

Discord Channel: (Not staffed 24/7 but players are free to use as they like)

Open Beta has started: Download Here

Disclaimer: As before, we are a family-friendly global server. We are coming back to the scene initially to show our kids what this great game is all about. I'm actually even more excited to reconnect with so many of our former players. We do not plan to have any post-beta wipes so you can play in the knowledge that your efforts will not be discarded, however, we reserve the right to perform a rollback if required in the event of game-breaking bugs or exploits.

There are no pay-to-play/pay-to-win/microtransaction features planned, and the related game shop features have been disabled as a result. We will be incorporating those features into the game in different ways.

Loose rules to follow:
I haven't got time to deal with idiots, bans will be authorised and issued by the server staff for a breach of our very simple servers rules,
Specifically relating to not being family-friendly (kids are welcome, be mindful of that)
No trolling other players (if you need this explained to you, you probably don't want to play here)
Deliberately causing other players game sessions to be adversely affected (by exploiting bugs, etc)
If you disagree with these rules then this server is clearly not going to suited to your play style.

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LOMCN Veteran
May 30, 2006
Will it be a PK server or same like old NON PK ? I guess it will be a PVP Pk server


Mir3 Dev
Dec 22, 2005
Will it be a PK server or same like old NON PK ? I guess it will be a PVP Pk server

Zircon files are more oriented around PvP with small penalty on kill.

To make it more PvE friendly (carebear) you would have to adjust GuildWar, Add Curse rate on weapons when PK is done and so on.

A pure example of how this PvP changes can affect the path of a server is Olymp, implementing and adjusting the core features of PvP on Zircon files can turn into lack of PvP in general.


It's my Precious!
Mar 8, 2005
It will have standard game features, pvp will be included, I’m looking forward to the first siege war already!


LOMCN Veteran
Oct 30, 2003
well i hope you can work your magik with the server and i cant wait :D


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Sep 7, 2004
so cool too see you're back! I remember the time when I started with Phoeniex and were in the closed beta circle, then open beta, then going live, spending hours (more like days) enjoying every bit of your creation. Cannot wait for it to come back :)


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Jan 13, 2005
Have you changed the castle war from zircon original to something different as its not like it was in 3.55 files


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Aug 5, 2007
Welcome back just bring back the taral server xD while we wait for this server any idea how long will this one take because waited alot for kaos server.

Give us taral backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


LOMCN n00bie
Mar 9, 2010
nice that you came back :) I think discord will be a better communication option
Yes i agree Discord would be so much better an easier for everyone that plays to download, an also for GM to keep updated information about server


Feb 26, 2004
You get the most toxicity from also the most passionate. They always come hand in hand.

I spend more time reading discords, than I ever do actually inputting to them...majority of the toxicity comes from knee jerk, untested changes and causing advantages to certain guilds or just completely bastardising peoples efforts.

No matter who you are, no one plays to lose :D Mir has been around so long that most of us know the ins and outs of the game and know what works and what the best methods are. When server owners bring in new stuff, obviously your attention goes to this new stuff...it's an unknown entity waiting to be plucked and assessed to find the best method of winning out of it. If you don't test properly...we will find bugs, some could well come across as intended, but most of the time they are just open to abuse to gain the advantage and win.

Now we're not talking about some super secret bug that requires a very specific targeted action to get to...we're talking something as basic as checking the stats of a mob or an item and realising the impact before you put it in a live server...something that can be done by simply testing it in a closed test server...it's those kinds of changes/mistakes and reactions that people hate and where majority of toxicity comes from.


Dedicated Member
Dedicated Member
Mar 8, 2010
After 6 year of sitting in the shadows we have decided to return to the Mir 3 scene.

We are starting over using the zircon files as a base and will slowly build back up to what Xtreme Phoenix used to be. We will be running a low rate, long term, family-friendly server just as before. I really hope we can welcome back our old player base, it would be great to catch up with all of you!

We will also be actively promoting the zircon files scene in the hopes to get more features shared and to help provide a deeper understanding of the files and how to make them better as as a community, as we always did before, we plan to share all of our updates and hope others will do the same.

we are almost finished with the initial testing and once the patcher has finished uploading we will be accepting account creations for open beta.

hope to see you all online soon!

(P.s. no plans for kaos reboot yet, the files are no where near that level of customisation yet, give it time :) )

At the moment we just have a Facebook page for communication, website and discord enroute.

Yaaaaaay , can we get back our accounts ? give me link i wana play :P
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